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Wen - no new Seasonals this year

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Chaz is adding more new products this year, so he will not be introducing any new Seasonals this year and some of the Seasonals will be retired. "He needs to decide which seasonals to retire and that's why he brought back the past seasonals." (info courtesy of kricket 3142 who chatted with Chaz on Periscope; see OTO Tonight?, message #28


While I'm not sure of what the specifics of this retirement means, generally speaking, I'm guessing that going forward less popular Seasonals will not be offered. Thanks to Kitkat21 (who Spoke to Chaz on periscope) we know that the fall scents will be returning this September.



Most Wenners seemed to agree that Spring Green Tea Gardenia (SGGT), Fall Apple Spice (FAS), and Wniter Cranberry Mint (WCM) are all on the chopping block for next year... especially after the July 25th Wen Super Saturday Offer - Set of three 16 oz CCs  which included all three of them. It seemed as though Chaz was making sure we all had a chance to try them. This way he could see how this might affect our purchasing decisions for this upcoming year.


From what I've read, it sounds as though all of the Seasonals will be available for the upcoming Seasonal year which begins in September. Of course, Seasonals will only be available in their respective seasons. 


Since all three of the Summer Seasonals have been very popular, it's not clear if one of them will be retired or not. 



The Seasonals - which are your favorites & which will be retired?  thread has more information on how Wenners feel about these scents.


From what I've read on the Wen board, the Fall Apple Spice CC was less popular than other CCs. Some of the comments were too spicy, smelled more like maple syrup than apple spice, fragrance was too strong and scent remained in hair after cleansing. Personally, I loved the scent which I thought smelled like mulled apple cider (try a FAS/FGP/WCM mix for a wonderful holiday scent). This is just my observation, but if FAS is one of your favorites, then you might want to stock up on it this fall.


A number of people felt that Spring Green Tea Gardenia (SGGT) was too drying for their hair but most people seemed to like the scent. -- I love SGGT. I think the scent is a cross between Bamboo Green Tea (BGT) and gardenias.


Most people didn't seem to have any complaints about Winter Cranberry Mint (WCM. The CC worked fine for most hair types, but the scent wasn't particularly memorable... which is not a good thing from an aromatherapy, bathroom spa-like perspective. -- A few people, who dislike the POM scent (including me), felt that WCM had a bit of a POM scent.


-- bebe Smiley HappyWen FAQ - Wen 101 - periscope - InsideQ magazine - The Insider - how to subscribe -- Wen Abbreviations Glossary




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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

Good -  I don't need any temptation here as I continue to use my stash. I thought I was there and then gave in and bought a TSV again and now I still have enough Wen CC for another year. 


If I'm smart I won't even tune in for any of the September shows - especially becasue I do love the oils and apparently there will be a great deal involving an oil I might like. 

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

Big shout out to Bebe777 for taking the time to spell out the abbreviations the first time the flavor's name is used in a post. I keep the abbreviation glossary close by; but it is still nice when my eyes don't have to go back and forth like watching a tennis match! A big thanks from all of us new Wenners! Smiley LOL

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

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World Traveler, you are most welcome. And thank you for your kind words. -- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

Hi bebe!  I didn't read the Seasonals thread yet, but Chaz is just looking at modifying the older seasonals?  The ones from this year and 2014 aren't affected?


FTP makes my hair smile.

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

@bebe777 wrote:

World Traveler, you are most welcome. And thank you for your kind words. -- bebe Smiley Happy

 You're welcome! When you do that I know that you recognize newbies are out there and it is your way of including us in this WWW (Wenderful World of WEN!). We appreciate you!

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

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@HonnyBrown wrote:

Hi bebe!  I didn't read the Seasonals thread yet, but Chaz is just looking at modifying the older seasonals?  The ones from this year and 2014 aren't affected?


FTP makes my hair smile.

@HonnyBrown, here's the short answer... 


* all Seasonals (within season) will be available through August 2016. 


* the general consensus is that Spring Green Tea Gardenia (SGGT), Fall Apple Spice (FAS), and Winter Cranberry Mint (WCM) will be retired at that time... because they're not on most Wenners Top 10 list... and there are only 12 Seasonals. *s*


* I think your Fall Tuscan Pear (FTP) is safe... especially since Chaz is coming out with a FTP Eau de Toilette this fall. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

I was scared of FAS, but I liked what it did to my hair, so I got over the maple. All I bought was CC & RTM though. The idea of FAS oil makes me kinda nauseous. I plan on buying a 32 and a 16 to finish the over abundance of FAS RTM that I have. It's a long story...

I plan on one WWC oil, bc I loved it but was underwhelmed by the CC. Thin but frothy, just not strong enough scent. The oil is citrusy enough. Plus it is compatible with SHP for Fall.

I like WCM but it is not the most moisturing. I have enough too.

I also have enough SGGT. An early fave! But actually a little drying, so I have to be careful. I could never have enough of the oil.

I may try the SHL. Not sure.

The big bonanza will be in the summer. I am planning on a SHP gallon and all the ancillary products I'll need to get through it. 


I totally agree with the three chosen for retirement. And I am also glad for the repeat year. I don't need a whole new crop of seasonals yet.

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

I'm really glad that there is going to be a repeat year too. Now that my hair is in great shape I feel more confident trying the seasonals. There are so many I want to try for spring and summer. The fall is clear to me which is probably for the best if the BGT/MIF gallons are coming down the pipleline. Having an EDT to go with the hair scent is making me swoon.

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Re: Wen - no new Seasonals this year

I agree with a lot of what Kjelle posted.......I'm glad we won't have any new seasonals, I need a break from the temptation to try new formulas! 


I love FAS, so I'll be purchasing at least two 32 ouncers. No FAS styling products for me, I use TT styling products with it, and it cuts down on the maple smell. My doggies get my FAS RTM......their "recipe" is half FAS and half TT RTM......they smell delicious, like little apple dumplings 😉


No winter formulas for me, so my wallet will get a break there 😃


I have plenty of SGGT CC, but I'd love to buy one more SGGT oil. I also have oodles of SOB CC, but would purchase SOB styling products if they're offered. I'm going to keep playing around with the SHL, I've only used it a few times, but was very pleasantly surprised with the results. I liked the smell so much that I bought a large SHL oil from Chaz's website during the Mother's Day sale (along with a SOB oil 😍) If QVC brings back seasonal gallons, I think SHL will be the spring option, I will purchase a gallon if I'm still pleased with the results. 


Since I bought a SMC gallon, I now about two gallons of SMC CC.......I NEED SMC styling products to go along with it!!  Seriously, I need the SC and mousse next summer.......maybe Wen Dooters can help me out. 😃