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Wen Schedule - August 15th-18th shows

[ Edited ]


Information courtesy of Jen44 (from 8/15 Wen shows with GIna) and wendooters...



NOTE:  All times are Eastern Standard (ET) time.











9pm - midnight -- Your Ultimate Beauty Guide -- Gina has a segment in the show 


from wendooters:


My girlfriend Gina is going to be on with a kit I'd love to get at a great price on 8/15 in a show at 9 PM ET called Your Ultimate Beauty Guide and if you love 16 oz Summer Coconut Lime Verbena and matching 6 oz Replenishing Treatment Mist as much as I do, don't miss it!




September Insider (InsideQ magazine): 


* likely to be available online in mid August around August 15th


* the advance order number for the Wen Sept 5th TSV - 32oz. CC, 4oz. Oil, 12oz. RTM, & 6oz. SC - scents: Classic line is likely to be listed in the September Insider. 












10am - 11am -- Wen one-hour show 





On July 30th, I was listening to Chaz on periscope in his Should I keep this look? video stream. He shared a bit of info on the times for Gina's August show schedule. Chaz was styling clients' hair  and answering questions at the same time, so it was all a little vague. Chaz said that, on August 15th, Gina would be on from 9-12. Then she would be on at 3am. And that there would be a one-hour show. -- The 8/16 3am slot is not a beauty slot, and I can't find a general beauty show between 8/16 and 8/18. So I'm not sure if I misunderstood what Chaz had said, or if the third slot has been cancelled. 




You can find links to this latest schedule in the Wen FAQ - the key Wen links (message #2) or the  Wen 101 (message #2 ) threads.


-- bebe Smiley Happy





Wen Quick Links ---- QVC WEN forum --- Wen 101 --- Wen FAQ - the key Wen links -- Wen News - What's Exciting & New -- Wen Abbreviations Glossary ---- Chaz streaming video on Periscope  -- Spoke to Chaz on periscope  -- Flipping Out (Bravo TV) features Chaz & Team Wen --- What Cleanser Did You Use Today? -What Wen products did you use up, or open this week? ---- Seasonals - which are your favorites & which will be retired? -- no new Seasonals this year ---- I Am Even More in Love With the Wen Oils!!! -- Benefits of Oils -- What is your Most Favorite Wen Oil? -- Women of Color WEN Users ---- Wen groups on facebook  -- wendooters -- straight from the horse's mouth...  -- Wenner's fur babies -- Rescue pup got a Wen bath ---- Wen OTOs still available at great prices --  Super Saturday Live! - some products still available  ---- Wen MEN's styling products for this fall -- 319 fragrance-free launches on Sept 5th -- BGT & MIF gallons for September -- Wen TSVs going back to December 2009 ----  Wen Sept 5th TSV - 32oz. CC, 4oz. Oil, 12oz. RTM, & 6oz. SC - scents: Classic line -- Discussion for the TSV Sept 5th -- Wen Schedule - shows (8/15-18), Sept Insider (8/15?) --- August Chat 2015  -- (last update: August 13th)  



Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen Schedule - shows (8/15-18), Sept Insider (8/15?)

Evidentially, there was a 3am Wen which Chaz had alluded to in his July 30th periscope video. Unfortunately, the information connected to the 3am spot wasn't clear enough. It sounded as though it was after tonight's Wen spot in the 9pm-midnight ET show. I kept checking the for FB updates but I didn't find any.


It turned out that the 3am spot was in this morning's 3am beauty show. 


Gina featured the curent Summer Coconut Lime Verbena (SCLV) three piece set (16oz CC, 2oz RTM & 1oz Oil). -- bebe Smiley Happy






Information courtesy of Jen44 (from 8/15 Wen shows with GIna) and wendooters...



NOTE:  All times are Eastern Standard (ET) time.











9pm - midnight -- Your Ultimate Beauty Guide -- Gina has a segment in the show 


from wendooters:


My girlfriend Gina is going to be on with a kit I'd love to get at a great price on 8/15 in a show at 9 PM ET called Your Ultimate Beauty Guide and if you love 16 oz Summer Coconut Lime Verbena and matching 6 oz Replenishing Treatment Mist as much as I do, don't miss it!












10am - 11am -- Wen one-hour show 





On July 30th, I was listening to Chaz on periscope in his Should I keep this look? video stream. He shared a bit of info on the times for Gina's August show schedule. Chaz was styling clients' hair  and answering questions at the same time, so it was all a little vague. Chaz said that, on August 15th, Gina would be on from 9-12. Then she would be on at 3am. And that there would be a one-hour show. -- The 8/16 3am slot is not a beauty slot, and I can't find a general beauty show between 8/16 and 8/18. So I'm not sure if I misunderstood what Chaz had said, or if the third slot has been cancelled. 




You can find links to this latest schedule in the Wen FAQ - the key Wen links (message #2) or the  Wen 101 (message #2 ) threads.


-- bebe Smiley Happy





Wen Quick Links ---- QVC WEN forum --- Wen 101 --- Wen FAQ - the key Wen links -- Wen News - What's Exciting & New -- Wen Abbreviations Glossary ---- Chaz streaming video on Periscope  -- Spoke to Chaz on periscope  -- Flipping Out (Bravo TV) features Chaz & Team Wen --- What Cleanser Did You Use Today? -What Wen products did you use up, or open this week? ---- Seasonals - which are your favorites & which will be retired? -- no new Seasonals this year ---- I Am Even More in Love With the Wen Oils!!! -- Benefits of Oils -- What is your Most Favorite Wen Oil? -- Women of Color WEN Users ---- Wen groups on facebook  -- wendooters -- straight from the horse's mouth...  -- Wenner's fur babies -- Rescue pup got a Wen bath ---- Wen OTOs still available at great prices --  Super Saturday Live! - some products still available  ---- Wen MEN's styling products for this fall -- 319 fragrance-free launches on Sept 5th -- BGT & MIF gallons for September -- Wen TSVs going back to December 2009 ----  Wen Sept 5th TSV - 32oz. CC, 4oz. Oil, 12oz. RTM, & 6oz. SC - scents: Classic line -- Discussion for the TSV Sept 5th -- Wen Schedule - shows (8/15-18), Sept Insider (8/15?) --- August Chat 2015  -- (last update: August 13th)  


Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen Schedule - shows (8/15-18), Sept Insider (8/15?)


Gina posted on FB that her Wen segment would be around 10pm ET tonight (i.e. in about 10 minutes). -- bebe Smiley Happy




NOTE:  All times are Eastern Standard (ET) time.











9pm - midnight -- Your Ultimate Beauty Guide -- Gina has a segment in the show 


from wendooters:


My girlfriend Gina is going to be on with a kit I'd love to get at a great price on 8/15 in a show at 9 PM ET called Your Ultimate Beauty Guide and if you love 16 oz Summer Coconut Lime Verbena and matching 6 oz Replenishing Treatment Mist as much as I do, don't miss it!



Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen Schedule - shows (8/15-18), Sept Insider (8/15?)





10am - 11am -- Wen one-hour show


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Posts: 4,079
Registered: ‎12-29-2014

Re: Wen Schedule - shows (8/15-18), Sept Insider (8/15?)

@bebe777 wrote:





10am - 11am -- Wen one-hour show


-- bebe Smiley Happy


I'm going to record this one since it's at 7:00am my time and I'll be getting ready for work.

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen Schedule - August 15th & 18th shows





10am - 11am -- Wen one-hour show


-- bebe Smiley Happy

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,371
Registered: ‎07-18-2015

Re: Wen Schedule - August 15th & 18th shows

Thanks for sharing! Of course I have committments all day. Dang! I'm going to try to sneak in some watching anyway. I wonder if there will be OTOs. I'm off to scour other threads to see! *obsessed*

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Re: Wen Schedule - August 15th & 18th shows

@yisbuff2 wrote:

Thanks for sharing! Of course I have committments all day. Dang! I'm going to try to sneak in some watching anyway. I wonder if there will be OTOs. I'm off to scour other threads to see! *obsessed*

I'm pretty committed too yisbuff, but I can catch the evening shows.

No recording for us, gotta watch online Smiley Frustrated

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen Schedule - August 15th-18th shows


@FleaMktQn and @yisbuff2 , this is Gina's last Wen show for this visit. Earlier this morning I checked the facebook pages for Chaz, Dooters, and Gina. None of them mentioned any specila offers, OTO, or new kit for this show. -- I think this is just a standard show, but I'll probably be checking the product listings for this show just to make sure I don't miss anything.


I've looked through both the August and September Insiders. I didn't see another Wen show until September 5th which is when Chaz will be back presenting the TSV. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen Schedule - August 15th-18th shows

[ Edited ]


Here's a link to the Wen products which are being presented in the current 10am ET Wen show: 


WEN by Chaz Dean - Hair & Body Care


Each product is added to the listing once it has been presented. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy