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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Wen - Cleansing Conditioners in the Classic line - which formulas have worked, and which haven't

[ Edited ]


This thread has some great info on the Classic Cleansing Conditioners which are included in the Friday, September 23rd Wen TSV: Wen TSV available - 32oz CC, 16oz FVWP CC, 4oz Oil & 4oz Remoist


Not only are the products a crazy good value -- but since the products are among the top products that Wenners love -- it's an amazing opportunity. -- The Classic & Fall 4-piece Kit is TSV priced at $59.94 with free S&H and includes: 


* 32oz Classic Cleansing Conditioner -- $49.50 at QVC

* 16oz Fall Vanilla White Pumpkin Cleansing Conditioner -- $36.00 at QVC

* 4oz Classic Remoist -- $58.00 at QVC 

* 4oz Classic Treatment Oil -- currently $54.98 for 5oz at QVC -- $43.98 value at QVC


The six Classic scents are: Sweet Almond Mint, Tea Tree, Fig, Lavender, Cucumber Aloe, and Pomegranate.


This Wen TSV is 68% off of the regular individual prices for these items ($187.48) not even factoring in the free S&H. 


The Remoist/Oil duo is available for $79.50. -- But even then, this Wen TSV is 64% off of the prices for these items ($164) not even factoring in the free S&H. 


Additionally, outside of the Remoist/Oil duo (for $79.50) and a few special offers, I've never seen either of these two products in specially priced Wen kits. -- The reason for this is that the ingredients for these two products are among the most expensive in Chaz's products, so he really isn't able to offer amazing values on them very often.


-- bebe Smiley Happy