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03-01-2017 08:18 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:43 PM
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
P.S. @Drythe I hope you see this before the storm -- bebe
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
03-01-2017 08:43 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:52 PM
"A" Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: A
@AbrilB @addicted2q @Adelina @Adrienne @Aeon @AlleyCat @AlohaSun @AmericanBulldogMom @andasan @Andreatoo (in bold) @andeesings @ANewHue @AngelPuppy1 @appleseed @April-Rose @AprilBird @aprimo @Aresnz @Arianny @Atellam @atm1215 @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:44 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:53 PM
"B" Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: B
@BackwoodsBarbie @Bamabella251 @BARBIE100 @bballwidow @beach-mom @beatlefan @Beautoxica @bebe777 @Becca1231 @beepzipzang @Beeweaver @Bestdressed @BethanyB @betsyblue @BExplorer @Bhvbum @BichonEmma @blackhole99 @bleueyez28 @blondeshoediva @blondie13 @blueluna @BabyYoda @Boehm Collector @bohemian @BootLvr @Boxerdoglover @BrattyOne2 @BrattyOne2 @Brdwygurl @Brenda810 @Buck-i-Nana @Buckeye815 @butterfly123 @ButterflyGirl1969 @Mesmerized169 @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:45 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:53 PM
"C" Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: C
@c_la_vee @cac140 @Caitlinh429 @CamilleP @Campion @cancun08 @CANDLEQUEEN @candys mine @Catbelly @CatLoverDogsToo @Ceci @cerinthe @cgil @ChazzyLady @Cheezit @Chefgal411 @Chi-town girl @ChicagoHeather2 @chickenmoo @ChocolateLime @ChynnaBlue @Cindi10 @Citrine1 @clangley @ClassySassyGal @cnd8 @CoCo87 @coffeegal @CoG @Colonel Meow @cosmic1 @Cotygirl @course24 @Cin001 @Cranberries @crblu @croemer @Curiousincali @Cuteepy03 @CWS22 @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:45 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:54 PM
D through F Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: D
@danabanayna @Daycaremom816 @Deanie @Debzzz @deedeewar @deja vu @dejavuandtara2 @delaneysmom @delish91 @Dell1 @depglass @Dessert1st @Diva1Donna @divadeb @CalMom @Doherty @Dorianwalk @dotgirl @doxie1 (in bold) @DrCEB @Drythe
Names: E - F
@Ebrennix @EdithEllenLily @ElleMc @elrager @ElvisShops @enw5002 @equss @Faith1818 @fashionqueen @Felixfan @FleaMktQn @Forbidden Fruit @FormerlyFabulous @foundinlv @free-spirit @Fressa @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:45 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:55 PM
G through Ja Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: G
@gail415 @GATORGIRL @GCR18 @geezerette @Gram W @gemslily @germanblush @eddyandme @GoochiePooDoo @pggoody @gordongirl24 @gracewade @grammy3 @gramygram @gtx @Gussie2007
Names: H
@HairAddict @haleypie @HangingTen @happycat @HappyDaze @Harley2013 @hatetoiron @HBNY74 @hecate @x Hedge @hennypenny3 @hfpint @Hilary77 @GingerPeach @bargainsgirl @HonnyBrown @Hop @hopi @HSB1204 @HXGirl
Names: I
@kwkelley @Ibby114 @icezeus @sktchy @iowababe @islandgrrl
Names: Ja
@Hope4102 @Janealma @vcdrt @JasoninBoston @Jax016 @jaxs mom @jay633
03-01-2017 08:48 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:56 PM
JB through K Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: Jb - Jz
@jb20 @Jeanne412 @Jeannie29 @Jen44 @jennys kid @Jhincher @JoeL82 @JohGlo @joni @jonim @jp926 @jpie @jrq @Julie_23 @jurby @jazzbabe
Names: K
@k9mama @Kardi @KarenaJeannette @karin334 @karlam @karmakat @Karnerblue @karuna @Katharita @kathie66 @Katmary @Katt213 @kefromCA @Kelseyrr @Kempokim @KentuckyWoman @kesselrun @kesstrain @Kitkat21 @kjae @kjcteach1 @Kjelle @KJPA @Klait @cddh @KMBSAB @KonaKat @kricket3142 @ksporter53 @KumiC @KweenB @kze @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:48 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:56 PM
L Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: L
@Labbylove @Maltichonmom17 @ladygirl @Ladygolighty41 @LAKitty @LAMS @Laura14 @leavesgalore @LeighMarie @Leothelion @Mgggr @liliblu @Lilredrubi @LIndaMJ @Sunnycorle @lisajococomo @littlepixie @CoastalGal @LJernee @LKDKK2 @LoraR @lovinglife @lrmuffin @Lucky Duck @LucysMommy @lusinia @luvingit @Luvitorleaveit1 @LUVLUVLUVTOSHOP @Luv_My_Beagle @LuvMyPuppies @luvzchiz @lyn61 @lynne6was7 @Lynnster67 @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:49 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:57 PM
M Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: M
@madmimi @MaggieMack @Maisy1 @malmom @MalteseMomma @MandySays @mas21958 @Mattie76 @meeser @todaysrx @MELAMWO @merri @mgflores @Michele5004 @MidNight @millieshops @mimi0414 @Minpinmom2 @Mirage08 @MissJuJu @MissKlynn @Missy823 @MJO @Mom2Ro @mom4321@MommaNJ629 @Mommy4 @Mommyof2lildudes @monks @morenagurl @morenaroxx @INDIANA BONES @motherinlaw @MrsCat21 @mrsmouse @Mrsq2022 @mstyrion 1 @Mustang Shar @Mysticmom @mzlg @mzrhondap @bebe77
03-01-2017 08:49 PM - edited 03-01-2017 08:57 PM
N-P Names Notification
These two Wen 613/319 specials popped up some time today. I think the BCC special is from the current 8pm Beauty IQ show, but I don't know when the 3-pc set was first offered (and it's probably only available for one day at most).
-- bebe
WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishin Total Treatment Kit
This Beauty IQ Steal kit is available in either the 613 or 319 formulas and includes:
* 16-fl oz Daily Cleansing Treatment -- $40 when available at QVC (32oz size is $61)
* 4-fl oz Replenishing Treatment Mist -- $26 at QVC
* 4-fl oz Treatment Oil -- not currently available at QVC, but it's usually $62
If you bought each of these three items individually at QVC they would cost around $118.50 (for my calculations I went with half of the 32oz CC which would be $30.50). Plus you would be paying three $3 S&H charges. -- This excellent value is 44% off of the regular QVC prices. -- Essentially if you use the 613/319 Treatment Oil, then the other two items are free (lol, I hope you can hear me @Drythe ).
I think the Beauty IQ Steal prices are generally available for 24 hours, but I don't know when this kit was first offered today. -- Bottom line, if you want it, then purchase it now before it's gone.
A-D WEN by Chaz Dean 16oz Body Cleansing Creme Auto-Delivery
Names: N - O
@Naebin @Nailsnob67 @applejack62 @nana488 @NativeOR @NickelEmily @nikki48 @nikkimom @NiniTx @NMCrazyCatLady @Noangel1981 @Ilovelife123 @nomless @noonedelights @NycVixen @oceanbreezy @okiebug
Names: P
@PalmTree11 @panda1234 @PatPrende @peace6576 @peanutjk @Pecky @pennstate94 @pepes mom @Petparent @Petrilla @philogirl @Philosophygirl23 @Phoebesmommy @phoebesnow @phoenixbrd @photodreamr @picco @Pineappletoo @pinkmochi @Pinky920 @Pintacular @pmagic @poocher @possummink @posterchild @Princesa7 @Pro211 @PSASSY @pslady @bebe77
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