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WEN - September

[ Edited ]

Hi Ladies of WEN! I thought I'd start off the September thread by counting the days down to the TSV visit . . . . . .only 19 more days . . . . I hope everyone enjoyed their summer, used up some of their "stash" and is anxiously awaiting 9/23 (like me), 

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Re: WEN - September

[ Edited ]

Hi Suz585..

I've been having fun ordering boat load of Wen this weekend. Private access sale ends tonight. A284366 New scent sounds lovely. Artwork on the bottle beautiful.

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Re: WEN - September

[ Edited ]


Hi @Suz585, thanks for starting off the September thread. Smiley Happy


I'm still compiling the latest Wen news updates, so this post is currently a work in progress... I'll be revising it later on. -- bebe Smiley Happy




Hi everyone!! It's the start of the wenderful Fall season of Wen!! Smiley Happy 


Even though Chaz won't be back at QVC until Saturday, September 23rd -- to present the Wen Fall TSV -- he's already started giving us some great special Wen values. 


Until 7pm ET today (Sunday, September 4th), there are some four amazing Wen values in QVC's PRIVATE ACCESS EVENT. -- Thanks to nikki48 for starting the Wenners go to the QVC special access sale.. thread to let everyone know about this amazing sale!!!


Thanks for spoiling us silly, Chaz!!! Smiley Happy



And our favorite Wen horsey, wendooters, has been sharing Wen tidbits (via his iPad) as often as he can. He deserves to be misted down with the Fall Apple Spice RTM crazy good value (in today's PRIVATE ACCESS EVENT) and then given a big Andes mints bushel & WVM gallons of thanks. Thank you, Wen Dooters!! 




Wen September 23rd TSV -- "Chaz did mention on periscope that his TSV would be on September 23.  That his TSV is usually on Labor Day weekend, but not this year." -- Information courtesy of @LAMSin the Watching Chaz on periscope thread (message #12). ---- "Described September tsv as "sheer heaven" hmmm lol"  -- Information courtesy of @Curiousincali, in the Watching Chaz on periscope thread (message #6) ---- It's possible that Gina could have some Wen segments (or shows) in the interim, but there are no Wen shows listed in the July edition of InsideQ magazine.


InsideQ magazine -- subscribe to QVC's Insider for free and receive advance order numbers and information about upcoming TSVs (which almost always includes the Wen TSVs). -- The InsideQ magazine - The Insider - how to subscribe thread has more information about how to join. -- Set up your subscription now because it takes about two months to process subscriptions.




There's been a lot of new Wenformation discussed this past June. Below I've included some of the topics that seemed of particular interest. Thanks so much to @Philosophygirl23 @Suz585 @Curiousincali and @LAMS for sharing this great information with everyone:


Flipping Out -- Beginning this July, Chaz & Team Wen are back on Flipping Out (a reality show on Bravo TV), as the Flipping Out team -- Jeff & Gage and Company -- does the construction work for Chaz's new Wen customer service offices.


Seasonals availability -- @Philosophygirl23 shared this information(from periscope) in the Wen - Seasonals speculation thread (message #44) -- "On Periscope yesterday Chaz confirmed that Fall Apple Spice, Winter Cranberry Mint and Spring Gardenia Green Tea would not be available at QVC but would be available on Chaz Dean web site. He wasn't sure which summer scent wouldn't come back yet, but thought it might be Summer Mango Coconut." 


Wen Gallons -- Chaz hinted that the 613 gallons, and probably Bamboo Green Tea (BGT) and Mandarin Italian Fig (MIF) gallons, would "be available in... [long pause] October."  He didn't mention if either the newer soy-based 319 gallons or the rice-based Fragrance Free (FF) gallons would be offered. -- Wen - Fall TSV may be Sept. 23 & 613, BGT, MIF gallons may be in October (first message)


Upcoming Seasonal Gallons -- likely to be Fall Ginger Pumpkin, probably available on September 23rd ------ "I believe the only fall scent that will be available in the gallon will be the Fall Ginger Pumpkin. I think it will only be available for a very limited time. I think it was mentioned that it would be available during the TSV on Friday Sept 23rd." -- Information courtesy of Philosophygirl23 -- WEN Fall Seasonal Gallons (message #3) -------- "Details are not 100% final at this time, but it is planned to bring one Seasonal gallon back to QVC in each season for a very limited time. In Winter, that is planned to be the Winter Vanilla Mint for the Dec-Feb period. QVC plans are subject to change at any time without any notice however, and we do not have any control over that. What we can say now is that we do plan on having it back this Winter, but ultimately it is up to QVC. ~ Jillian" (from Chaz's facebook page) -- Information courtesy of @Suz585 -- Wen gallonpalooza schedule 5/29 - 6/30 per Dooters (message #116) 


* Light EDP -- Signature Light 1.7 oz. EDP, event priced at $57.84 through the end of September. -- "Light by Chaz Dean is a bright fragrance, with top notes of lavender, eucalyptus, and blood orange oils, balanced with softening scents of cedarwood, bergamot, and white amber." (QVC description) -- Kjelle's Chaz's New EDP - Light thread discusses this new scent.



Upcoming EDPs -- "Chaz also said he gets his EDP bottles from France and they take 4 months or so to get, which also adds to the price, but it's better than getting them from China. He is working on Mandarin Italian Fig & Bamboo Green Tea EDPs and he is loving MIF EDP!" ---- Information courtesy of @Suz585, in the SHP & SMC EDPs sold alone next visit thread (first message)


Rollerball fragrances -- "He is working on fragrance rollerballs saying it takes time and won't happen "overnight". -- Information courtesy of @Curiousincali, in the Watching Chaz on periscope thread (message #6)


Winter Vanilla Mint Seasonal Mousse & Styling Creme -- "FYI for WVM fans: heard chaz say on periscope he is working on styling cream and mousse." -- Information courtesy of @Curiousincali, in the WEN May Chat thread (message #131)


319/613 body/facial cleanser -- 319/613 body/face cleanser in October I think Chaz said..." -- Information courtesy of @Curiousincali, in the Watching Chaz on periscope thread (message #6)


Sunscreen -- "Chaz mentioned on Periscope, late last night [6/22] that the is working on a sunscreen.  He was wearing it at the beach this week, but it's not ready yet." -- Information courtesy of @LAMS, in the  WEN sunscreen thread (first message)







Recent June Wen ODOs, special offers & feature prices



Note: I have included previous ODOs (are available at slightly higher featured prices) and other recent special offers that are still great values. -- The first link goes directly to the QVC product listing. -- The second "price comparison info" link goes to a thread which has pricing information for the individual componenets of that Wen kit. There may be several other Wen special kits listed in these threads that are no longer available.



Summer 32oz Cond. w/Mousse &Brush Auto-Delivery -- choose SUMMER HONEY PEACH or Summer Coconut Lime Verbena -- price comparison info:  Seasonal 32oz CC/Mousse/brush A-D option only and Wen ODO 6/5 - Seasonal 3pc kit, 32 oz CC, mousse and medium brush -- $76.96 


Men's 32 oz. Cleansing Cond. w/ Travel Box -- price comparison info: 48oz Wen Men CC and Wen Men 32oz CC & (8) 2oz packets -- $59.98 


Men's 3-Piece Cleanse & Style single shipment, or the A-D Mens 3pc Cleanse&Style Kit - Auto-Delivery option. -- price comparison info: Wen Men Fathers Day kit - CC, Paste & SC -- $69.96


Rice Based Cleanse & Style Essentials -- price comparison info: BGT/MIF 16oz CC, 6oz SC, 7.5oz Mousse & Brush -- $85.00 


Rice 32 fl oz. Cleansing Cond. w/ 4 oz. Mask (also Auto-Delivery option ) -- price comparison info: BGT/MIF Duo - 32oz CC & 4oz Remoist -- $76.96 


Sixthirteen Total Treatment Kit or the Sixthirteen Treatment Kit Auto-Delivery -- price comparison info: 613 and 319 formulas available (16oz CC, 4oz RTM & 4oz Oil) ---- how does 319 CC compare to 613 CC? - 319 CC -- $76.96 


4-Piece 613 & 319 3 oz. Body Treatment -- price comparison info: (2) 613 and (2) 319 3oz NBT tubes -- $65.96 


Ultra Nourishing Blow Out Kit or the WEN by Chaz Dean Ultra Nourishing Blow Out Kit Auto-Delivery option. -- price comparison info: 613/319 Mousse, SC, VTS & Brush and Wen - NEW - Special - 613 or 319 Mousse, SC, VTS & brush -- $76.96  





FYI, these links (and a whole lot more) are in the Wen FAQ and Wen 101 threads listed below.


Have a wenderful September everyone!!! Smiley Happy



-- bebe Smiley Happy Wen FAQ - Wen 101 - periscope - Wen Abbreviations Glossary -


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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012



Welcome New Wenners!! 



This is a really fun place to hang out, ask any questions, learn more about Wen, and share the latest inside info. -- The Wen Abbreviations Glossary has a cheat cheat for all the Wen acronyms that we use. -- The How many pumps or how much WEN? thread gives some helpful suggestions. The use fewer pumps for 613 Cleansing Conditioner than for other CCs & suggested number of pumps to use thread has some good information as well, but it's an older thread and has incomplete information.


In this first message, I've tried to include a number of key links to topics that may be of interest to you. The Wen FAQ - the key Wen links thread offers streamlined links to a variety of Wen information, while the Wen 101 thread offers more comprehensive information (start with the Wen FAQ though, it's easier to navigate and parts of Wen 101 still need to be updated). 


We also use the monthly chat thread (Wen - July Chat 2016) for "live" chats during Chaz's and Gina's Wen shows on QVC. Feel free to join in these Wen show chats. It's a great way to get to know fellow Wenners and it's a lot of fun. 



Three extremely popular thread to have a look through are Hilary's What Cleansing Conditioner Did You Use Today? thread as well MissKlynn's What Wen products did you use up, or open this week? and Kjelle's What WEN Did You Buy This Week? thread. These threads have ongoing discussions about the Wen products people are using and how they're using these products. Especially for new Wenners, just reading these threads daily will give you a better handle on the best ways for you to use your Wen products. If you're really zealous, of course, you can read the whole thread! But, for most people, just reading the latest entries are enough.



Hilary's great Benefits of Oils and sonechko's great What is your Most Favorite Wen Oil? threads provide a lot of information about how to incorporate the oils into your Wen hair care routine. And Hilary's I Am Even More in Love With the Wen Oils!!! and the Treatment Oils in the Classic line - which oils have worked, and which haven't? threads have more great information. -- A lot of Wenners find that their hair really benefits from using the Wen Treatment Oils.


Thia-Winter's Wen what did you use for your deep treatment today? thread has a really interesting discussion of various hair treatments.


DrCEB's Any Women of Color WEN Users Out There? thread is a comprehensive info source. 


The Cleansing Conditioner Discovery Kits are a great way to try out Wen and the Wen TSVs going back to December 2009 provides information about the year round TSV schedule.



You can always call Chaz's salon at 323-467-6444 for any questions you have about your Wen products. Chaz Dean Salon customer info & links listed in QVC broadcasts has additional links to the websites where you can follow Chaz on social media. He even has a special wendooters horse -- who's a a former Wen model -- who helps us out from time to time. He's a whiz at using Siri on his iPad. There's a rumor that he can be bribed with peppermints and carrots!! 



A lot of Wenners have their own animal friends. SurfersWife and King Toby (her Wen doggie) started the WEN Pets thread where Wenners have shared stories and photos about their Wen pets. Please feel free to add your own Wen pets photos and stories... the more, the better and the merrier. Smiley Wink



For the past year and a half, Chaz has been streaming videos on periscope. It's a lot of fun to watch. Chaz's shares hair care tips and sometimes shares information (or hints) about upcoming new Wen products and TSVs. He also has videos of him working with clients in his salon. -- Follow him on Periscope to get the latest info on everything new in Wen (new products, new unscented line, new fragrance, etc.)... and then please share this info with the rest of us. -- There's more information on how to access these videos in the periscope thread.



Periodically I'll include the Key Wen links listing (see below) as a footer when I'm posting. These are just links to threads that I think Wenners -- especially new Wenners --might find helpful and I update them regularly. I've bolded the ones I think are the most useful. 


Enjoy your time in the Wen forum!! Smiley Happy We're a friendly bunch of people with great Wen hair: great hair days just make everything feel better!! Smiley Wink Please join in the fun!!! Smiley Happy


Additionally, the Wen FAQ - the key Wen links and Wen 101 threads have a lot of general information about Wen. -- The Wen FAQ is shorter and more streamlined, while Wen 101 is more comprehensive but takes more time to look through.


Have a wenderful day!!! Smiley Happy



-- bebe Smiley Happy Wen FAQ - Wen Abbreviations Glossary WEN (QVC Wen forum) 



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Posts: 856
Registered: ‎01-15-2014

@bebe777 Welcome back! A lot of WENNERS have been looking for you and concerned about you. Hope all is well!

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: WEN - September

[ Edited ]

@Suz585 wrote:

@bebe777 Welcome back! A lot of WENNERS have been looking for you and concerned about you. Hope all is well!


@Suz585, awwww thank you so very much for your kind words. That means a whole lot. 


btw, I haven't checked my email in the past few months because everything has been so hectic and I just read your email earlier this moning. I'll be sure to reply in the next few days. I'm usually pretty good about email. Please accept my apology for keeping you hanging for so very long. I feel terrible about it. 


It's been a stressful summer but things are finally starting to resolve themselves in a more positive way. -- I'll tell you more when I email you back. It's great to see you again!!! Smiley Happy


-- bebe HeartHeartHeart

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Posts: 1,507
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Happy to see you checking-in.  Not easy dealing with everything you are dealing with...


but hope you do have a chance to make an 'appearance' at Chaz's Party on September 23. 😀

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@untitled wrote:



Happy to see you checking-in.  Not easy dealing with everything you are dealing with...


but hope you do have a chance to make an 'appearance' at Chaz's Party on September 23. 😀


@untitled, thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. They really mean a lot to me. Things are starting to settle down a bit and I'm hoping to really be able to enjoy Chaz's September 23rd TSV party. Smiley Happy


bebe HeartHeartHeart

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When we were speculating about Chaz's photo, we could not figure out what the agave was for. So now we know- the Light EDP bottle.

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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@bebe777 It's all good, no apology necessary. Offer/s still stand if you are interested. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 
