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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

@World Traveler wrote:

Sending absolute light, love, and healing blessings worldwide.




Just what I needed right now!! thank you for posting.

I miss Chaz's visits Smiley Sad



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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

Staying home.







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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020


@World Traveler 

You weren't dreaming...it disappeared for awhile, but is back now Smiley Happy


If I'm remembering right, the email said you can use the promo code up to 3 times per household until 4/5 at 11:59PM PST.


B Spirit Purifying Facial Masque.jpg

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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

@tcmalfa Awesome! Thanks. Wonder why it was pulled. Oh, well, as long as I can get it now, I'm a happy Wenner! Smiley Happy

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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

@tcmalfa Got it! Thanks again. Heart

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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

@Souperkrys I bought both of these scents as I also really like citrus scents. While I really like the smell of Strength, I too believe it ends up smelling a bit too masculine for my tastes. I love the package design and like I said - the smell, but just not for me.


Now Joy, I REALLY like. It is nothing like Strength. Definitely more on the feminine spectrum without being over perfumey or florarly. I'm not real good at describing scents but I think I smell a very soft lemon/grapefruit scent. I think it is a very nice spring scent even though it is citrusy but will work well in the summer also. Hope this helps.

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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

[ Edited ]

Not sure if this will help anyone with ordering or not.....I have had an item in process for 6 days. The CS has no idea when it will ship..She said they are shorthanded in shipping area...So since going to stores to purchase isn't possible right now, maybe plan far ahead if it's something you might be needing...Smiley Happy


*7 days tomorrow. They say it will ship but maybe they are just overwhelmed...

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Re: WEN Monthly Chat - March 2020

Life in the fast lane.





