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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

@World Traveler!  I think it is this book. When I'll be able to get to my book shelf which is impossible to get to right now, it's behind many other things in my work room, I'll be able to tell for sure. But this book rings a bell of my old memory of it. The cover looks familiar as well as title, and the author as well.  It was basically a supplement text book for our writing class.


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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

@yisbuff2 wrote:

@sonechko and @World Traveler - to participate in this part of the conversation, I agree that you are a great writer! I read a lot or writing for a living.


@World Traveler you are clear, well organized, and do have lovely and descriptive writing. You have a narrative quality that is engaging while also being lively and fun. I love it!


@sonechko you also write with a lively and bold style! I love to read your posts because of your passion and engagement.


@yisbuff2Smiley Happy You made me happy and proud! I feel like I scored well - coming from a Professor, this means a lot to me, and I feel like I got an "A"!!! HeartWoman Happy Thanks!

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

@sonechko wrote:

@World Traveler!  I think it is this book. When I'll be able to get to my book shelf which is impossible to get to right now, it's behind many other things in my work room, I'll be able to tell for sure. But this book rings a bell of my old memory of it. The cover looks familiar as well as title, and the author as well.  It was basically a supplement text book for our writing class.


@sonechko Oh, that's one I saw the first time I went looking in Amazon. I saw that it was written back in the 1990's or 1980's, so figured it could be the one you were referring to. This cover says it is a new edition, so they've updated it. I'll download it to read while on the plane. Thanks!

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

[ Edited ]

@sonechko wrote:

@yisbuff2 wrote:

@sonechko and @World Traveler - to participate in this part of the conversation, I agree that you are a great writer! I read a lot or writing for a living.


@World Traveler you are clear, well organized, and do have lovely and descriptive writing. You have a narrative quality that is engaging while also being lively and fun. I love it!


@sonechko you also write with a lively and bold style! I love to read your posts because of your passion and engagement.


@yisbuff2Smiley Happy You made me happy and proud! I feel like I scored well - coming from a Professor, this means a lot to me, and I feel like I got an "A"!!! HeartWoman Happy Thanks!

@sonechko You certainly did score well! @yisbuff2 is correct....you really do write lively and bold. I like that. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

Thanks @World Traveler!  But no one even noticed, that I try to be friendly too......Woman Sad I guess, it does not come though all that well! I need to try a bit harder. Smiley Happy 

Though, I must admit, not all my "writing" intends to sound "friendly"! In cases when I need to "defend" WEN or Chaz  (like they need to be defended Ha!), I can sound less "friendly", but still trying to be at least as respectful as I can manage.

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

@sonechko wrote:

Thanks @World Traveler!  But no one even noticed, that I try to be friendly too......Woman Sad I guess, it does not come though all that well! I need to try a bit harder. Smiley Happy 

Though, I must admit, not all my "writing" intends to sound "friendly"! In cases when I need to "defend" WEN or Chaz  (like they need to be defended Ha!), I can sound less "friendly", but still trying to be at least as respectful as I can manage.

@sonechko Not to worry. Those of us who have gotten to know you well by reading your posts know who you really are and your intentions. You are a friend, indeed, to many on the forum, and you are passionate not only about WEN/Chaz, but about anyone you feel is getting a raw deal thru the posts. 


I, for one, appreciate you and am sure there are many, many more who feel the same way. I don't always tell someone that in a post, and I should. Shame on me!

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

[ Edited ]

Woman Happy @World Traveler. Thanks! My little trick managed to pull it out of you.... Well, the power of Words is really incredible, and lets one oftentimes get what one wants!!! Cat Happy Does not it?


p.s. read the download of the book on your flight WT! From what I recall, this book does not only talk about "power" in writing, but also tells you precisely, how to elicit it in two simple steps - first write your heart out without stopping for a moment to correct any grammar or thoughts, and only after you poured all you feelings and thoughts out on the subject, only then - go to correct your writing, keeping the intended reader in mind, and cutting out all unnecessary wordings, repetition, and carp. Make it precise.


This comes from a scientific fact that our brain CAN NOT do two processes simultaneously - to create and to critic/analyze. It does one or the other.

It's important to understand this brain quality, and never do any writing while correcting it at the same time, if you want your end result have both - power and precision.

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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

@sonechko wrote:

Woman Happy @World Traveler. Thanks! My little trick managed to pull it out of you.... Well, the power of Words is really incredible, and lets one oftentimes get what one wants!!! Cat Happy Does not it?


p.s. read the download of the book on your flight WT! From what I recall, this book does not only talk about "power" in writing, but also tells you precisely, how to elicit it in two simple steps - first write your heart out without stopping for a moment to correct any grammar or thoughts, and only after you poured all you feelings and thoughts out on the subject, only then - go to correct your writing, keeping the intended reader in mind, and cutting out all unnecessary wordings, repetition, and carp. Make it precise.


This comes from a scientific fact that our brain CAN NOT do two processes simultaneously - to create and to critic/analyze. It does one or the other.

It's important to understand this brain quality, and never do any writing while correcting it at the same time, if you want your end result have both - power and precision.

@sonechko wrote:

Woman Happy @World Traveler. Thanks! My little trick managed to pull it out of you.... Well, the power of Words is really incredible, and lets one oftentimes get what one wants!!! Cat Happy Does not it?


p.s. read the download of the book on your flight WT! From what I recall, this book does not only talk about "power" in writing, but also tells you precisely, how to elicit it in two simple steps - first write your heart out without stopping for a moment to correct any grammar or thoughts, and only after you poured all you feelings and thoughts out on the subject, only then - go to correct your writing, keeping the intended reader in mind, and cutting out all unnecessary wordings, repetition, and carp. Make it precise.


This comes from a scientific fact that our brain CAN NOT do two processes simultaneously - to create and to critic/analyze. It does one or the other.

It's important to understand this brain quality, and never do any writing while correcting it at the same time, if you want your end result have both - power and precision.

@sonechko wrote:

Woman Happy @World Traveler. Thanks! My little trick managed to pull it out of you.... Well, the power of Words is really incredible, and lets one oftentimes get what one wants!!! Cat Happy Does not it?


p.s. read the download of the book on your flight WT! From what I recall, this book does not only talk about "power" in writing, but also tells you precisely, how to elicit it in two simple steps - first write your heart out without stopping for a moment to correct any grammar or thoughts, and only after you poured all you feelings and thoughts out on the subject, only then - go to correct your writing, keeping the intended reader in mind, and cutting out all unnecessary wordings, repetition, and carp. Make it precise.


This comes from a scientific fact that our brain CAN NOT do two processes simultaneously - to create and to critic/analyze. It does one or the other.

It's important to understand this brain quality, and never do any writing while correcting it at the same time, if you want your end result have both - power and precision.

@sonechko LOL!!! You're funny and tricky! ha!


Very interesting about the way the brain works. I look forward to reading it! Thanks again for the suggestion. Smiley Happy

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

[ Edited ]

Yep. Something about left and right brain globes, @World Traveler. One is creative and the other one - analytical. Can't function well simultaneously. Ha! Not perfect yet, I guess.

People usually have one half better developed than the other generally speaking. This is why one may be an artist, and another - an engineer!

Writing a finished product involves both activities of the brain to be utilized.  But for the best results - one at the time. Smiley Happy

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Re: Tea Tree -- anyone use FOR hair growth?

@World Traveler! I sincerely hope this info is in this book. I definitely remember getting it from that writing class, so I hope, it's in the book. Also book's name suggests - it's in it.