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Re: Please Make an Orange Blossome EDP or EDT

@ElvisShops wrote:

I have his orange blossom oil and replenishing spray and use them as a "fragrance,"  but if anyone has any pull with him, beg him pretty please with sugar on top. Smiley Happy His orange blossom has a better scent than even Jo Malone's.


@ElvisShops, I've read other Wenners who like SOB mention that they also used Jo Malone's scent. 


How does the sSOB scent compare to Jo Malone's scent? Thanks Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy

Valued Contributor
Posts: 762
Registered: ‎03-02-2013

Re: Please Make an Orange Blossome EDP or EDT

[ Edited ]

I love the scent of SOB.  I woud def. buy this one in an EDT or EDP!!    Smiley Very Happy