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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)


So far I have tried some spring, summer and fall seasonals. My most favourites are SMC, SHP, STP and FTP! I just LOVE these! 


I notice so many people use tea tree, and I love an invigorating cleanse, so am looking forward to one of the classic sets for a first cleanse. Just wondering which is best for my flat, limp, no body, slightly dry at the ends hair, that gets weighed down instantly. 


I dont have any scalp issues so dont so don't know if tea tree is for me? 


Also so I am curious about the winter seasonal pack as well and just wondering if they are as good as the summer seasonals and how they work for flat limp hair. 



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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

If your hair really is that flat and linp as you say then I'd suggest cucumber aloe or the kids CCs but neither of those are in the TSV. 

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

Souperkrys.  Tea Tree CC and styling cream are great for giving my hair a lot of body and I would use them more often if TT was not toxic to cats.  For some reason I also find it very calming and use this on days that I expect will be stressful (like for jury duty).  The only other CC to have been this calming for me is the Winter Red Currant.  It's been good to have both in my stash.

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

My sister and me share the Wen CC, and I plan on getting the SAM collection, the Rice collection, and would like to get the Seasonal collection, but I would like to know how moisturizing they are. Could I get some feed back on which of the 3 seasonal's are most moisturizing (I know it is a set of 3 different seasonal's).My hair need's more moisture than my sister's, so which seasonal would be best for my hair. TIA

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

@Love4cats wrote:

My sister and me share the Wen CC, and I plan on getting the SAM collection, the Rice collection, and would like to get the Seasonal collection, but I would like to know how moisturizing they are. Could I get some feed back on which of the 3 seasonal's are most moisturizing (I know it is a set of 3 different seasonal's).My hair need's more moisture than my sister's, so which seasonal would be best for my hair. TIA

Hi @Love4cats. I think Winter Red Currant is the most moisturizing winter seasonal by far.  HTH. 😊

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

@Gussie2007 wrote:

Souperkrys.  Tea Tree CC and styling cream are great for giving my hair a lot of body and I would use them more often if TT was not toxic to cats.  For some reason I also find it very calming and use this on days that I expect will be stressful (like for jury duty).  The only other CC to have been this calming for me is the Winter Red Currant.  It's been good to have both in my stash.


Thank you for your recommendation! I think I'll get autodelivery and that way get two different sets if I can, one of them being tea tree. I also have cats and dogs, should I worry about using tea tree on my hair with my pets around? 

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

@jaxs mom wrote:

If your hair really is that flat and linp as you say then I'd suggest cucumber aloe or the kids CCs but neither of those are in the TSV. 

Thanks for your recommendation! Next time those are offered in in a specially priced kit or ODO I will definitely try them! 

Yes my hair is so straight and flat, I wish I had some body or wave.

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

Krys, I used to have very flat, oily, "stuck to my head like a mushroom cap" hair, and while it is still fine and straight, it no longer hangs flat, lank and limp.  All I did was get serious about my scalp oil treatments.  I now use WEN Tea Tree oil once a week, and leave it on my scalp for several hours.  I have at least twice as much hair as I used to have, because there are more strands sprouting out of each hair follicle, and because there are more strands, my hair springs up from my scalp instead of clinging to it.  And I just cleanse at night, towel dry, and air dry overnight in bed.    I don't blow dry, and only heat style once a week or so, when I'm going out for brunch and shopping, since I am retired.  If you aren't using WEN scalp oil treatments, I would urge you to give the Tea Tree a try, it's made a huge, huge difference.  I am sure that there is video on how to use it if you've never seen Chaz demonstrate it, just massage it into your scalp.  If you cleanse in the morning, put a towel on your pillow and leave the oil on overnight, the more hours the better.  If you have kitties, though, make sure they don't ingest the oil, cats are super-sensitive to tea tree oil and it can make them very, very sick!

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

@Souperkrys wrote:


I'm pretty new to Wen and I'm trying to decide between tea tree, SAM and lavender for the upcoming Wenderful TSV and just wondered what your expert opinions were Smiley Happy 


I need volume and moisture, my hair is flat/limp, straight and slightly dry on the ends from highlighting. 


What classic trio should I get? 


Thanks everyone! ❤️



I believe a lot of people find LAV to be drying.  

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Re: Chaz on Q - spoilers :-)

@Souperkrys wrote:

@Gussie2007 wrote:

Souperkrys.  Tea Tree CC and styling cream are great for giving my hair a lot of body and I would use them more often if TT was not toxic to cats.  For some reason I also find it very calming and use this on days that I expect will be stressful (like for jury duty).  The only other CC to have been this calming for me is the Winter Red Currant.  It's been good to have both in my stash.


Thank you for your recommendation! I think I'll get autodelivery and that way get two different sets if I can, one of them being tea tree. I also have cats and dogs, should I worry about using tea tree on my hair with my pets around? 

I'm no expert and have learned from these forums absolutely do not use TT on cats but I think it's okay for dogs.  When I use TT on me, my cat avoids me altogether so I don't think I'm hurting her this way.  Maybe some others can chime-in about using TT around pets.