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MY husband and I are going on vacation.


What should be tip the sky cap,  help at airport with me (need a wheel chair to get around ).???


we will be using a transport van to airport it is about an hour or so ride. 


How much should we tip the van driver??


what is the usually tipping percentage, just a rough guesstimate.


thanks, we don't want to shortchange anyone yet not give out money like we have a million dollars to spend. Just fair amount.


thanks for you input on this.

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"we will be using a transport van to airport it is about an hour or so ride.'


'How much should we tip the van driver??"


$1 for each piece of luggage.

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

"What should be tip the sky cap,  help at airport with me (need a wheel chair to get around ).???"




The amts really depend on how fast they get you to the terminal and/or spend time w/you.  Will the person stay w/you till you board?  Help w/check-in? etc.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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no one will be staying with us while we wait for boarding and such. My husband can get around well. my balance is awful, so I ride in wheelchair when I have to walk long distances quickly. I do OK at home,but times I even trip at home.  I do walk 2 miles a day, I use a cane but sometimes even that is not enough. it keeps me going so I don't get stagnet.

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I agree with @Mz iMac  Have a wonderful trip. 

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i tip $2 for each piece of luggage if someone is helping me with my bags.....airport, skycap, van driver, hotel bell desk.


so many airlines now you tag your own bags, get in line, they check your ID, you put your own luggage onto a scale to weigh your bags, and then just confirm that you have a boarding pass.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I always tip the wheelchair pusher $5/trip.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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My Dh uses a wheel chair in the airport..we always tip at least 10 dollars. We use a private car service..tip,20%  and do the same with a van. We always receive excellent service

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Posts: 20,649
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

thanks guys for all your help on this matter.


will let dh read the replies so he knows how much to tip.


it will be a long flight near 10 hours. Hope flights are smooth to and from vacation.

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My husband uses a wheelchair only at the airports (he uses a walker).  Because it's a long way to the gates I tip $5.  They will even offer to carry my large bag or wheel my carry-on.  At our last trip they walked so fast I could hardly keep up with them!


The employees who push the wheelchair are not employed by the airlines, but rather by a company that provides this service.  They will wait at the gate with you and bring you the wheelchair when you get off the plane.  They always ask if we need to use the restroom!