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Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

[ Edited ]

Sometimes cities do really dumb things. Now instead of a terminal with seats, bathrooms, information and snacks, passengers must stand on the sidewalk and wait in the heat or rain for the bus to pull up to the curb like a local bus. They must wait to use the toilet on the bus. 


The reason given is the old terminal will be torn down to build a new downtown basketball arena. Personally I don't think anyone wants a new downtown arena except those with specific financial interests.

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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

I live in the Phiily suburbs and read about that.  How dumb.  No shelter, seating, bathrooms etc.  I wonder who made that decision?

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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

@Winkk wrote:

I live in the Phiily suburbs and read about that.  How dumb.  No shelter, seating, bathrooms etc.  I wonder who made that decision?

Clearly someone who doesn't need bus transportation. Surely there are unused commercial buildings that could accommodate an alternative site. It seems like the local TV stations or newspapers need to do some investigative reporting. There is more to this story for certain.


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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

I don't think the new basketball arena has been approved ... yet.  And they're tearing down the bus station anyway?


But not everything done here is non-sensical.  They did reopen I-95 in less than two weeks, after all.

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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

@ValuSkr From the reporting we received out here in the hinterlands everybody and every agency at federal, state, and local worked to pull that repair off. They deserve congratulations all around.


Meanwhile back at the bus station. Is there some sort of effort by local forces to make changes to the downtown area? They certainly made a drastic move if no arena deal is in place.

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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

[ Edited ]

I'm just wondering how they expect people to get there and park.  Is there going to be ample parking?  Do they think it's going to be another Madison Square Garden?  LOL! At least the trains go right to MSG.


Wasn't there any room left at the sports complex in S. Philly?


ETA:  I feel bad for those who have to use and wait for a bus.  No protection from the elements, or bathrooms.  That's a disgrace!

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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

Taxpayers foot the bill to build sports stadiums so that team owners and players can make millions.  I've never understood why the local taxpayers accept this inequity because what do they get out of it?  Not much.  Just high ticket prices and a few low-paying jobs.


Bus terminals are mainly used by lower-income (generally speaking) people, and don't generate millions of dollars for the already wealthy.  So who cares about them and their problems?


Taxpayers need to pay more attention to what is happening in their communities, and if something stinks raise a fuss!!!

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Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

I had not heard the info about the Philadelphia bus station.  OMG!  They are kidding--to build a sports arena??  I could comment further but I would get censored.



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Registered: ‎02-07-2011

Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal

@ValuSkr wrote:

I don't think the new basketball arena has been approved ... yet.  And they're tearing down the bus station anyway?


But not everything done here is non-sensical.  They did reopen I-95 in less than two weeks, after all.

Great for people who have cars.  What about those who don't?


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Posts: 3,093
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Philadelphia Has Closed Its Bus Terminal



  • 1.the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process: