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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

@ninjawife  that sounds wonderful.  Viking can't be beat.  We were in Vienna, Salzburg, headed to Heidelburg, Germany and came home from Frankfurt.


For any Viking lovers they now have Viking Oceanic cruises.  They are still small ships at 1,000 passengers which is right up my alley other than these monster cruise ships.


I know, I know, it sounds big for the small Viking river ship lover. When Covid was still around we went on American Cruise lines.  Ship called "Jazz".  It was brand new in 2021 and we had a great 8 day trip down the mississippi river.  Boy did I learn history and read 3 books before we left. It was wonderful.

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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

Here is some more pictures of my recent trip to Europe.


This is the St. Augistinian Cathedral in the Hofburg Palace (where the Habsburgs ruled)  square, Vienna. We went to Mass Sunday morning 2 weeks ago at 11:00 AM.   I will try to find a picture of the upstairs where the  choir sang.  @wilma  who I've heard has a beautiful voice and sings at her local church might enjoy this. This  is the front of the cathedral.  (If I don't find back where choir was I will eventually)


It is very big and I must say it was cold!


1772117801484658838 st. audtinian cathetral.jpg

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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

Ok, here is the back of the Augistinian cathedral in Vienna where the choir, etc. sang.  I can't forget it.


@wilma  you might enjoy these photos of one of the most memorable Cathedral's I've ever visited.


20230427_123427 back choir 2 3.jpg


I'm In Hiedelberg, Germany.  It's good luck to touch the monkey before the bridge I believe to Philsospher's way (a long hike up across the Neckar river that takes about 30 to 40 minutes if your up the long haul.  I did not do it because I broke my ankle 7 months ago) This is a big college town but so nice.  Our room faced St. Peters Cathedral.  I will try to find pictures and post. Personally I find this one of the nicest burg's in Germany.




Sorry, a little out of order but this is candle's lit in Vienna Stehphansdome Cathedral .  Very pretty.




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More chat later whoever is intersted and have a fun time to anyone traveling.


One more pic.  Me in Vienna.  Our hotel was so close to the Albertina in Vienna and Opera House.   Hotel had a nook to read which is my favorite. Day dreaming as usual. A little to short though. lol.


-8134769553659213929 bunny in nook.jpg

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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

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@Alter Ego 


Thanks for sharing your travel photos. I enjoyed looking at them. I've always wanted to visit Europe, and the Viking River Cruises sound delightful. I doubt I will get to do either. I have visited Canada, San Francisco, New Orleans, and a few other U.S. cities. Our family trip each year is always to the Gulf Coast Of Florida. It's nice to go somewhere familiar, but sometimes the adventure of a new place would be nice. 

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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

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Here's another half day trip we took outside of Salzburg, Austria.


Anyone here been down to the salt mines in Austria or Germany.

Well we did it and it was so much fun!


First they dress you up in miner's gear before the tour.  It's dark underground and so lot's of neon.  We took the tour 30 minutes drive outside Salzburg in the alps.  It was the closest and most convenient.  a 4 hour tour I would say including one hour for lunch in Berechdesgaden, Germany.


You start the tour in a train going into the actual mine.  By the way, these are live active mines.  The miner's were below us chipping away.  I believe he said they get through  centimer's which is about 3 to 4 inches  inches a day. I saw the lockers as we passed by in a train undergound.  So then it was time go straight downhill into the mine at a very deep angle downwards.   There are 2 of them.  They do take a picture of each couple as you come to the end.  For the shock value I guess.  Our eyes were not closed we were just straight faced paying attention and loooking down. lol.


Then we ended up in a lake floating through it in the dark with a bit of lighting - a little light show if you will.  Some more walking through the caves  after the lake and another ride down the sled as I call it.  We came up in a very fast elevator.


We then went to the town of Berechesgaden and had lunch in a lovely hotel for about an hour.  A memorable experience and I'm happy to have done it.


It's steep, no buckling in, nothing.




In the little train going in:


cho cho salzburg.jpg


Our hotel in Salzburg was in New town.  But just a bridge walk away from Aldstadt which is Oldtown Salzburg which was a great location. This is where is where the fortress is protecting the Salzach river along with Mozart's birthplace.  A great walking experience and muuch to see.


In the picuture you will see the green water of the river.The Salzach river is full mineral rich and that's where the green comes from.   Very pretty in person, however it was a cloudy day so you can't appreciate the beauty. I had to make the image smaller to post it here unfortunately.  This is a view from our hotel and we could see the fortress


20230426_174750 hotel stein view of salzach.jpg

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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

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beautiful photos...i too tried to capture the color of the water -  bottom photo - it's the most gorgeous blue-green.


this is outside of Inzell. Germany, slightly southwest of Salzburg.   Sept 2018. pic does not do it justice.


top photo same area...


Inzell has a training arena for speed skating but Sept i guess is low season -  just gorgeous country...we stayed at inns and VRBO's and we traveled around by car. Munich to Vienna - then to Inzell...Neuschwanstein Castle was one side trip.  Then on to Franconia - where DH was stationed in the military in the 60s. (Ansbach) he was not allowed on base to see where he worked, security very tight. There were signs everywhere saying Army Go Home!!   Rothenburg was fun. Oh the food was wonderful.  gained 10 lbs!


Vienna was amazing but i spent too much time in the art museum on a gorgeous day.  i did get to see the Lippizaner horses perform!  We had beautiful rain...



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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

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@CatsyCline  Thank you for the pictures.  And I'm happy that you responded on the green waters of rhe Salzach river in Salzburg.


My brorher is well traveled and loves Rothenburg as well, funny you mentioned it.  We did not get there. He kept saying it over and over to go. perhaps one day.


Your pictures are lovely.  I wish more would share in here of there travels. that's for sure but most don't visit here.


We too went to the "Spanish Ridining School" in the Hofburg palace grounds, Vienna and saw these beautiful magnificient  Lippizan stallions. (and If I can find the picture I will show you where they live...we got sidelined and saw their whiteheads in stables a block away) Too funny.


Unfortunately they would not allow us to take pictures as it might panic the horses.  Some were feisty as it was. lol.  But I did get a shot of the empty lippizan show area.  Bigger than it looks and grand.  They

 are treated well.  Here it is:




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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

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@CatsyCline  What museum"s?  There are so many.  Our hotel was right across the Albertina and Opera House.  Then there is the Belvedere, etc, etc, not to mention all the lovely cathedrals.  You could stay 10 days easily.

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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

@Pink123    oh what a perfect location!  yes a hotel convenient to everything is ideal. 


  we only visited the Kunsthistoriches Museum.  we had 3 days and one day was The Spanish Riding School.  


 the last day we had a Hop-On bus tour and that was fun.

i really wanted to go and visit Schonbrunn Palace...i agree you need 10 days there!


when we travelled there 5 yrs ago i had to use a Rollator as my mobility was limited. Consequently i was unable to take the tour of Neuschwanstein Castle. but it was fun to just be there and see the castles and the beautiful countryside .  18 months later i discovered i needed a hip replacement and that was why i had so much pain when walking!    i could do the same trip now - no problem!




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Re: I miss everyone's travel stories

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Yes @CatsyCline  10 days is ideal indeed.  So many museum's and we didn't we did not get to Schonbrun Palace either as it's really a day trip on it's own.


But we did take the tours of the Hofburg which included the "Sissi Museum".  She was so beautiful.  I think in today's world she would be considered OCD or anorexic and did did not want to be photographed after 30. Exercised constantly, horse riding, etc.  Such long beautiful hair too.  a tragedy how she died. (She was in another country and was stabbed while walking.  He was looking for someone from the "Habsburg dynasty"and she got it.  I think she was 60 or 61.


We also saw the living areas of the Hofburg palace where the lippizan's live. Sissi had the best bathroom ever.  It took her over 2 hours to get ready everyday.  A real beauty.  A lot to see right there

alone. Again our time was too short.


You did not get to visit The Belevedere?  I think I have pictures and will check. Beautiful.


So now that your hip is ok please try to go again.  I seriously want to and would stay at least 6 days.  The people are so friendly.  The country is the cleanest I've seen.  They wash the streets every hour.  Regal indeed.  I liked it better than Germany.