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Experienced Flyers - Measuring Luggage

Dumb question maybe.  When measuring luggage are the handles and wheels included?  I'm looking at a couple different sizes and don't want to go over the airline's limit.

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Re: Experienced Flyers - Measuring Luggage

Yes, they are. 

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Re: Experienced Flyers - Measuring Luggage

And another helpful hint--if you put the wheels toward the aisle, even if your suitcase is a bit long, the overhead bin doors will still close.  It's a pain to get it down, but for whatever reason, it always works.

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Experienced Flyers - Measuring Luggage

Thanks ladies.  DH and I are set with a couple of Lug bags for our carry-ons.  I was mainly thinking about checked bags, but now that I know I'm sure the rule would apply to all.