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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

ok cuddle dubbs lady there is no way you were a xxx small? I just love how these host lie about the size they wear. I honestly thing most are meduim. only host i think tell the truth are two of them? maybe the tv makes them look bigger than they are?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

Cuddle Dudds are roomy and stretchy, so I believe them.  Yes, TV does make people look larger, I've noticed that with our local TV personalities that you see around town. 

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Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

I just found Cuddle Dudds today and have ordered two things. They look warm and comfy.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

[ Edited ]

I love Cuddl Duds,I buy everything they


I go down a size from med to small!

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Posts: 707
Registered: ‎11-16-2010

Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

Why was that necessary to write that nasty remark?  Cant you keep anything in your head  She has to be the nicest product host  I love when she is on  Who cares what  size peole where are  We have to think before we speak because this forum can be deadly as far as bullying  We talk about kids

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

Kohls carries Cuddle Dudds and you can use your 20-30% off coupons, they also have the cute pajama sets. No shipping. You can even order online and pick up at he store. Just waltz over to the customer service desk and get your products.

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Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

DEAR GOD...isn’t there so much more to worry about, fret about, conjecture about, even have in one’s mind...than what size a host is wearing?



Posts: 64
Registered: ‎04-05-2010

Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

 I can't imagine how awful it must feel to care about host sizes, especially to care enought to post about it.

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Posts: 8,851
Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Re: host of cuddle dubbs and host sizing

@chessylady I bought a cuddle duds blanket from Kohls and just love it and so inexpensive too. Also I've worn CD long underwear for years and anxious to try other pieces.