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Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

I also wanted the 3 foot tree in white, but other than that color, there's really nothing new about this tree, it's micro-lights with white, multi or pastel options.  I have both a flocked and a blue spruce tree with that lighting palette, so nothing they can show me today will tempt me.  I am going to use what I have this year and hope that the color prism tree they sold out of last summer comes back as a TSV in either CIJ or the holiday season proper.  I was glad to hear that Bethlehem Lights has improved their flocking technique, the 5' color prism tree I got last summer was shedding like a shorn sheep, so much flocking was coming off it!  I had to send it back, made me really sad.

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Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless! 

~~today may be my last.....i choose JOY!~~
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Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

If you go to the top and click NEW  you can see the TSV trees there.


Shows sizes and prices.


Click on the any of them there, and the full product page w/ everything shows up.

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Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

@RespectLife Looks like the site is working properly now.  Last night at midnight it was a joke!  You could only see the TSV from the day before with no information regarding the trees.


Courtney kept telling viewers to call in to place an order but never mentioned what the prices were....only the heights and how many were left.


I'm actually surprised that they had so few of the small 3.5' trees since they all sold out within the first half hour.  Something like that could sell much easier than a full sized tree since most people have to really decide about a big tree but a little 3ft one can be more of an impulse buy.

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

I hate that QVC rarely mentions the price any more. I think that's because they use a dynamic pricing model when the price can go up or down randomly on any given day. And then they don't want an old video out there mentioning an old price. This is why I often price-check my purchases, and call customer service for a price adjustment refund if their price went down within 30 days.
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Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

I've noticed that, too. 


Incredibly annoying.   I admire youi for asking for refunds.  

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎02-06-2022

Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

Hello! @scrapperlisa 🤗

Hmmm I think you discovered something that I definitely missed.

I wondered why posters were saying Courtney never mentioned prices for the recent TSV Christmas trees and it’s all making sense now.

I will pay close attention going forward.
Super Contributor
Posts: 323
Registered: ‎06-11-2024

Re: Well, Q, that's pretty useless!

Yes, it was incredibly annoying during that segment when the connectivity was lost and the lights were all down so low, that Courtney kept telling people to call the Customer Order number, but never gave any pricing.


I was only interested to see if the prices had come down from the stratosphere, but now I see they didn't.