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Why is it that Lori feels she has to add that peplum gathered bottom to the blouse? Don't get me wrong, I have some tops from her with that same design but I can't help but think that it looks too young and  for my figure just adds bulk and weight to my middle section and hips. Just my opnion, but would love to see something else.

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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

Where can I see the top at? 

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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

I don't care for this top at all.  I have seen similar for alot less money.

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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

@godi wrote:

Where can I see the top at? 




Just click the TSV tab and you'll see it there.Smiley Happy @godi 

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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

If you look under 'My Favorite Brand' and then click on Logo, someone else has post the photo of it.

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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???$aemprodgallery$

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

This looks like a maternity top. I don't understand why people buy her clothing line. It is very expensive and offers no style. Everything looks the same.

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Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

I like it in the yellow and the white .... but I'm not buying anything with 3/4 sleeves.  


If it had long sleeves ... a definite yes.  



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

I don’t like peplum tops. I don’t want extra material around my hips - makes me look wider there which I don’t want. 

Posts: 51
Registered: ‎04-27-2015

Re: Upcoming Logo TSV Blouse???

I am so over LOGO!! $70.00 and not even free shipping! Lori has a formula for clothing and she just makes several variations on the same theme and tries to pass it off as new and fresh. If it was quality fabric or construction I might think about it, but like I said, I'm over it.
