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Posts: 163
Registered: ‎04-20-2010

Thank you so much for this information on the hip size for denim vs color denim. While watching latest presentation I paid attention to screen when the hip sizes were posted. I'm very disappointed neither Gary or either host mentioned this important information. Due to you alerting us to this fact I cancelled previous order and ordered up a size on denim. I decided to order all three denim offers.  I'm hoping they fit. 😃👍

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,407
Registered: ‎09-24-2011

Got my jeans - perfect!  For the cost, compared to most stores, can't go wrong.  I went up two sizes from the clickhere chart (normally go up a size to allow for material).  These jeans fit nicely - not snugly, which allows for shrinkage.  Tried the dark indigo on first 'cause usually the darker the dye the tighter the jean; then, tried on the coral - which isn't at all bright orangey-red as shown on my TV(had been concerned they'd be too bright)..  Anyways. beginning to really like D&C again.  Also had gotten the sherpa vest - one for me and one a gift for y cousin.  We both also really liked them, too.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎06-11-2011

I ordered 2 pairs of these on the 2nd and today is the 8th and they have not even shipped yet. Why? Smiley Sad

Occasional Visitor
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎01-31-2012

I LOVE these jeans! I want Evergreen! I have jackets, tops,etc.,in evergreen. It was a very popular color. Woosh! All of a sudden it vanished! Next time you have Evergreen So Slimming jeans, I will purchase two or three so that I will have some to wear with all these Evergreen jackets, sweaters, tops, etc. In fact, ANY jeans in evergreen I will probably purchase. Wish Gary had influence with the shoe people so that could carry Olive shoes, Forest Green shoes, any green shoes (with closed toes).  Would LOVE to have Deep Olive jeans also. Especially if they are deeper than what you call Deep Olive, And I call Medium Olive. Love D&co.!!!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 38,221
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Old thread!  OP dated 12-31-2015.