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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

I find perfect Jersey to be rubbery. Too much spandex, which I don't need in my clothing. Just no wow factor in this TSV. 

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

Is there really a need for 3 people presenting the TSV with one in the studio and one on that god awful video stuff along with Carolyn?

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

[ Edited ]

Look forward to Garolyn show every Tues.  Not to be mean, but I wish they would do without Tess, she interrupts their rythm and flow and banter which is fun.  And she adds nothing in terms of expertise unless you care what her favorite color is, just an annoying, unnecessary cheerleader who does not fit.

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

@ALRATIBA wrote:

Not anything I would wear ... doesn't even look like Fall / Winter items.


I agree.  It's too late in the season for these.  They should have brought this set out in the Spring.  

Posts: 55
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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

Does the perfect jersey launder well and does it need ironing?
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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

I'll pass. I like D&C tshirts, but the color combos on this set don't appeal to me at all. Also, they should have dumped the short sleeve one and included a long sleeved shirt instead. 

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

[ Edited ]

Have had perfect jersey and do not like the thin, "odd rubbery" feel of the fabric; much prefer a 60% cotton, 40% poly blend since a bit heftier.  Detest anything with modal. Also, at this time of the year, wouldn't it have been better to have a long sleeve, 3/4 sleeve, and elbow sleeve rather than short sleeve, elbow sleeve and 3/4 sleeve. Also appear to be a shorter t-shirt. Not interested!

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

[ Edited ]

@MoonieBaby wrote:

Yawn,  more unflattering, stiff looking, matronly and tight about the hips Tired Old Tee Shirts.
hard pass, if I wanted to look decades older, I'd wear my

mother's clothes...she is in her 80s.


Amen...I am decades older than you and would not wear these "same old-same old" matronly shirts that you well described...highly dislike perfect jersey and these styles!

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

I'm not a fan of sets....there is usually a color or two that doesn't work for me so it's a waste.   I'm also not a fan of the high crew necklines.


It seems like the Q likes to push these multi top sets a lot more lately!

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Re: Tuesday's Denim & Co. TSV

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@grammarqueen wrote:
Dear goodness, D & Co, could you PLEASE take some color theory classes! I haven’t gotten one of your top sets in a long, long time because the color seasons represented are all over the map! Put the olive, gold and maybe the natural in a set for Autumns. Black (or white) magenta, and Mediterranean blue can go to Winters. Yellow, violet blue and hibiscus pink would make a Spring’s heart flutter. And a Summer would just love a trio in navy blue, rose brown and pine.

In places like Arizona seasons don't matter. We wear white and black all year long. None of that no white after Labor Day for us nonsense. Same with the other colors you mentioned. We wear any color all year long.

@Meowingkitty   I was under the impression that color seasons referred to one's complexion.  Many colors look terrible on me and others look great.