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Registered: ‎05-15-2014

I usually buy the variety pack if that's being offered.   I'm not a huge lover of food from the Q, but these are actually really good.  Just be sure to cook them in a non stick pan.

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Posts: 14,556
Registered: ‎10-09-2012

These potstickers are excellent.  I purchased them a couple of years ago and loved them.  But I then found Trader Joe's potstickers taste exactly the same (to me) and far less expensive.  I've been purchasing Trader Joe's for the past year; I always have some in my freezer. 

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

To those that buy these a question for you:


Why on the closeup shots do the pot stickers look wet and slimey and shiney?  Something just looks unappealing with  whatever is going on with them on the closeup shots?  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,556
Registered: ‎10-09-2012


To those that buy these a question for you:


Why on the closeup shots do the pot stickers look wet and slimey and shiney?  Something just looks unappealing with  whatever is going on with them on the closeup shots?  

@SeaMaiden  I think "wet & slimey" is not the food photographer's intent Smiley Very Happy, but apparently an unfortunate perception by some. Potstickers need oil in the pan or sprayed on them directly when you sautee them, to prevent them from sticking (hence the name).  The oil coating in the photos are meant to make them look more appetizing, and more like they will when you cook them at home.  But again, that's in the eye of the beholder.