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I'm confused !!   They are saying this is a brightening serum concealer that's also used as a foundation?  The models are buffing it on their cheeks as well. Could this be a foundation disguised as a concealer ?  Alicia used it on her cheeks as a foundation!  Looks to me like they are selling foundation in a concealer tube ! So why buy foundation, just use the concealer  Am I making sense here ? Somebody explain this one please and thanks ! 

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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

Concealer is a heavier coverage.   You can use it anywhere.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

I think they like to demo the versatility of the product. Multi tasking. I personally wouldn't use this as a foundation- can you imagine how fast it would be used up! I may buy it for undereyes and my age spots.

Harmonize the World
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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

@Goodie2shoes - IT is notorious for telling you that you can use concealer as an all over foundation. I remember Jamie doing this.



I think the TSV is a concealer. But if you want to you can use it as a foundation. I never have!  Smiley Happy



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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

Thanks everyone !  I have and use the cc cream and I like it as a matter of fact I received compliments on my skin from a church member last Sunday.  Shawn has mentioned this can be used as a foundation so I just wondered why they didn't just call it a foundation vs concealer. 

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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

Well if Sean could ever explain the product and not just try on makeup all night and make so much noise with the products you can hear. She is just awful!!!  Can the host just educate us on the product please so we know what to do and what color to byu. 

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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

Was hoping for a foundation.  I don't care for the density of a concealer.  For those of you who purchase...enjoy!

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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

[ Edited ]

I find Shawn useless for beauty presentations.  It's all about her, what's in it for me!, style of presenting.  


What I kept waiting to hear -- and was never discussed -- is does this concealer play nicely with a true foundation?  


In addition, since this is a new formula serum/concealer, if you do use it along with your foundation, is it best to use under or over your foundation?

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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

IT TSV reminds me a lot of what I already use, Maybelline Instant  Age Rewind Eraser.  It's also comes in a highlighted version.  

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Re: TSV It Cosmetics Concealer

Watched the presentations; on my TV and models it does not appear to blend very well under eye area.  Although i do like IT products,  for this one -- I will stick to my Tarte Shape Tape.