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Apparently I'm old & matronly & don't have any taste in clothing because I'm ordering the Navy/Teal.

I'm not ordering it because I know I wouldn't wear it but I think the coral and black is really pretty.  


Wear and enjoy. I'm sure you'll look fabulous!

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Her prints are always way too gaudy for my tastes.  Her prints make items look cheap and tacky in my view.

@Lila4Now  You took the words right out of my mouth.  Gaudy prints  do not flatter a figure.... and look like nursing home fashion. 


Really?? Her fashions are not for me either, but would it have killed you to not insult

those who do like it????


I guess so....SMH

@KingstonsMom   It is a forum for opinions. It was not an insult. It was an observation.  Many times I like something other posters do not and they say so.  It does not bother me that they have a differing of opinion from mine.  And maybe it makes me look closer and make a better decision on weather to purchase the item or not based on those differing of opinions.   Another viewpoint....

It should be whether, not weather.

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This post has been removed by QVC because it is unkind

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When I looked at Susan and the models in that top, I was shocked at how much heavier it made them all look.  Even though it's a light piece, it gives a heavy look to the outfits they were making with it.  Maybe it's because the floral print is so loud.

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Apparently I'm old & matronly & don't have any taste in clothing because I'm ordering the Navy/Teal.

I hope you like it and enjoy wearing it.  This thread is full of opinions, and yours is as good as any!

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I've bought a few SG tops and jackets over the years before I retired, but always picked out the pieces that I knew would work for my tastes and ignored the others. I no longer buy SG because her prices are just too high for the value for me. I have no problem with those who don't mind her prices, and I have no problem if you like something that I don't. What is strange are the complaints that a TSV is horrible because they personally hate bright colors and larger prints. So don't buy it - something else will come along that will be more to your liking.  It's only a TSV - there will be plenty more that may be more to your liking. We're all sisters here and we all have different preferences whether we live in NYC or the heartland or the many places in between. Let it go at that and stop the sniping back and forth. It's just a piece of clothing.

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I like the idea of this but the floral print is too large for my taste.  I do like the some of the color combinations though.  I have prints and solids in tops, pants, and skirts.  I wear what I know looks good on me. 

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I love SG clothes but on the fence about this one. The “tamest” selection for me would be the neutral (black, gray). I like two piece tops so I have the option of sleeves going into a cold restaraunt. Plus these pieces will travel well. I’m thinking of NYC attire.

No one in NYC would be caught dead in that getup. SO think againWoman LOL

Thanks back to the drawing board. Better stick to solids.

@OKPrincess, if you like it, you should get it.  I wouldn't let ridiculous comments like that sway you.


First of all, I'm 100% certain that poster is incorrect.  I seriously doubt she has seen every single person walking around NYC.  I'm also not quite sure why anyone thinks everyone should conform to what people in NYC wear.  

I'm with apple 1964 on this one.  While we have not seen every single person and don't have to conform to what New Yorkers wear, this outfit is garish, and very matronally and certainly not in style at all.  Susan Graver designs for older ladies like me, but unlike most, wouldn't be caught dead in what she designs, including all that crappy polyester stuff.  To each his own, just my opinion.  (but please don't wear it in the City)

Her clothing is the perfect example of matronly with a high price tag. I would never wear her clothing, and no one I know would wear it. I prefer wearing clothing by REAL designers who don't use loud, ugly prints and polyester.

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I have to make this comment. I commented on another thread that I liked this TSV because to me it looks oriental and reminds me of the time I taught in Japan. 


Then I came home and saw the posts here. I think it's sad that others are so "descriptive" when they don't think something would look good on THEM. It's too bad they like to make other women who like the item feel like they are making the wrong choice. 


Tonight DD came in while I was waiting for DH to come home and watching one of Susan's shows. She said, "That's really cute. It looks so tropical." I told her I had ordered it. She plopped down in front of our wood stove and proceeded to go right to her phone, as she always does, texting her friends. When I asked her if she was making plans, she said, "No. I was just looking at it online. Do you like it?" She wears mostly black, and I told her I thought it would look really cute on someone in their 20's. Then she asked me if I would order it for her (since she doesn't have an account) in the purple. So I did!  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


I have to make this comment. I commented on another thread that I liked this TSV because to me it looks oriental and reminds me of the time I taught in Japan. 


Then I came home and saw the posts here. I think it's sad that others are so "descriptive" when they don't think something would look good on THEM. It's too bad they like to make other women who like the item feel like they are making the wrong choice. 


Tonight DD came in while I was waiting for DH to come home and watching one of Susan's shows. She said, "That's really cute. It looks so tropical." I told her I had ordered it. She plopped down in front of our wood stove and proceeded to go right to her phone, as she always does, texting her friends. When I asked her if she was making plans, she said, "No. I was just looking at it online. Do you like it?" She wears mostly black, and I told her I thought it would look really cute on someone in their 20's. Then she asked me if I would order it for her (since she doesn't have an account) in the purple. So I did!  Smiley Happy



I agree with you, and I ordered the TSV as well.   I hope we like our new matronly clothes.   Smiley LOL