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Re: Super Greens by Perricone

I see they are back again and at a "savings".  Must not have sold many as a TSV... I can buy a lot of fresh veggies and fruit for $90+ dollars!!!

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Re: Super Greens by Perricone

I just received my Perricone Super Greens today. I live in California and I read my labels..There is a warning label  CONSUMING THIS PRODUCT CAN EXPOSE YOU TO CHEMICALS INCLUDING LEAD WHICH IS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIF. TO CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM. I googled this and read this product has more of lead than is allowed in State of Calif. I  will return this and call customer service  also. I can eat fresh vegetables WITHOUT possible lead content instead.

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Re: Super Greens by Perricone


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Posts: 822
Registered: ‎04-13-2010

Re: Super Greens by Perricone

Not that your opinion isn't correct...but the thing is our soil is not mananged right and a lot of the vitamins we do need are in small amount there.  Also as we age (yuk) vitamins are hard to absorb.  We need to make sure we watch out for the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen which you can google.  It is sad what our food has turned into.

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Registered: ‎02-18-2012

Re: Super Greens by Perricone


I love them!

I have purchased them on the Perricone site for years at the price of 80 dollars for one box.  Then when QVC started carrying them at the price of 2 for around that price I got them again!!  The most recent TSV price was so amazing that I ordered auto delivery again and am so grateful.

I have tried so many supplements like this that are even more expensive and taste horrible which makes it very difficult to understand why so many negative comments.



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Re: Super Greens by Perricone

Hi - anyone notice a different taste in this?  I just opened one of the boxes and it does not taste as flavorful as it did in the past.  The Super Greens I've purchased in the past were directly from Perricone.  Disappointed in the flavor of this batch!  Too late to return now.  Just not the same.

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Re: Super Greens by Perricone

David Venable swears by the other "greens" sold on the Q by that lady.  He says he keeps it on his nighstand each night and drinks it during the night.

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Re: Super Greens by Perricone

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Registered: ‎07-25-2010

Re: Super Greens by Perricone

Do these tablets really work?  For so much money, I agree I would rather eat the real thing.