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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

What is ridiculous about hair removal? @CJC 

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Re: SmoothSkin Hair Removal TSV 3/22

After reading this ... too many steps,  at least for me.  I don't want to have to shave or wax prior to use for it to work properly. 

 I wish they would invent something more simple,  removed the hair easily,  effectively and  quickly, without burning or irritation ...  and...  FOREVER!  

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

@Sugipine wrote:

What is ridiculous about hair removal? @CJC 

It is ridiculous you need to remove hair before using a hair removal device. 

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

[ Edited ]

@Iwantcoffee wrote:

@Sugipine wrote:

What is ridiculous about hair removal? @CJC 

It is ridiculous you need to remove hair before using a hair removal device. 



It's only temporary shaving. After several weeks then you'll never have to shave again. The IPL removes the hair permanently or enough of it to where you'll hardly need to shave.


I know b/c I've done this before and IT'S LIBERATING! Never have to shave again. I don't even own a razor.


The SmoothSkin website says this:


The secret to staying silky smooth is to keep at it and stick to your treatment regime. With regular use, you will see fewer and fewer hairs growing back. These hairs should also be finer, lighter in colour and grow more slowly. As time goes on, you will be able to completely replace your shaving routine."

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

@Sugipine I am thinking about getting one for about 5 little black hairs that drive me nuts.  But I'm thinking maybe a Braun or known brand about the same price range.   


I'd even pay more to get rid of them some day!  

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

@Sooner wrote:

@Sugipine I am thinking about getting one for about 5 little black hairs that drive me nuts.  But I'm thinking maybe a Braun or known brand about the same price range.   


I'd even pay more to get rid of them some day!  



Me too! @Sooner 

I did pay for professional laser hair removal (not IPL) many years ago and that was the best (expensive) investment ever. But since then I had new hairs, not regrowth,  pop up and that's why I bought an IPL remover. My IPL device is now collecting dust b/c I don't need it anymore. But it's good to have around just in case new hairs pop up somewhere!


If you have only those 5 black hairs then you might like this Epilady Laser Pen. I bought this to do my unibrow and to get rid of having to pluck stray brow hairs. I also used this laser pen around my nostrils to get rid of the hair there, too. It works in places where you can't use a traditional IPL device...has pinpoint accuracy. I love it. It seems to work best on the thicker, coarser black hair which is on my brows and around my nostrils. The finer black hairs are stubborn but they seem to be growing very slowly after using the laser pen. Hopefully they will disappear after continued use. Only had this pen for less than a year.


Epilady Absolute Laser Pen  $162 (BB&B)

Epilady® Absolute Laser Hair Removal | Support Plus | FH4792



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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

@Sugipine wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

@HonestLife wrote:

@Sugipine Where did you get this information? 

You can Google IPL on grey hair.  That's how I found the same information.  We can't post links here.  There are a couple of devices that apparently do work on grey and red hair called Illuminage, but they are pricey.  


ETA:  BTW, the way these work is by first waxing or epilating and the device targets the blood in the hair follicle from the waxing or epilating instead of the melanin in the hair.




Shaving will be the best way for the IPL to do it's work. This is what SmoothSkin says on their website FAQ page:  


For IPL treatment to work efficiently you must remove any hair from above the surface of the skin prior to each treatment, ideally while keeping the root in place.

For best results we do recommend shaving, but you can also wax or epilate. Don’t use depilatory cream though, just in case the formula reacts with the IPL treatment."

@Sugipine , that's for dark hair.  I thought the question was specifically about your comment saying it doesn't work for light hair and dark skin.  The lady in the presentation did say it won't work on blonde, grey, or red hair because of the lack of melanin.  The illuminage that I mentioned, which is the only one proven to work on grey and red hair requires either epilating or waxing.  It uses both IPL & RF and shaving will not pull blood into the follicles.  Here is a quote from the site (WeAreBodyBeautiful) which also discusses the SmoothSkin (although a different model I think:


The Iluminage devices are the only home devices clincally proven effective on blonde and red hair. And, although white/grey hair participants weren’t part of the clinical test, hair reduction results should be exactly the same on these hair colours too. That’s because they don’t rely only any dark melanin pigment in your hairs.

They work in two ways:

 #1 You must pluck, wax or epilate your fair hairs immediately before your session. This way, the IPL energy targets the small, dark blood droplets left behind in your follicles after they’re pulled out. The blood droplets absorb the IPL energy and convert to heat creating damage.

 #2 They also send Radio Frequency (RF) current into your skin. The IPL and RF work even better together to heat your hair follicles, even if they lack eumelanin.

It works like this:

RF is a painless electric current sent through the skin from one electrode to the other. The spacing of the RF electrodes is just right to send the RF current down to your hair root depth. You can’t feel it at all. But as it flows through your skin, the RF encounters resistance and this creates heat in your tissues.

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22


Yes, I understand about the way it targets the blood in the follicles. Each device has it's own specs. 


The TSV doesn't have RF so it's more limited to dark hair removal only. I own a IPL device which has both the RF + IPL light technologies in one. The one I have is made by the company ME and the model I have is their Chic which is no longer available. They make another one however called the Smooth. Both have the RF technology which does work on lighter colored hair but it's still not 100% effective in that regard.

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

[ Edited ]

@Sugipine wrote:


Yes, I understand about the way it targets the blood in the follicles. Each device has it's own specs. 


The TSV doesn't have RF so it's more limited to dark hair removal only. I own a IPL device which has both the RF + IPL light technologies in one. The one I have is made by the company ME and the model I have is their Chic which is no longer available. They make another one however called the Smooth. Both have the RF technology which does work on lighter colored hair but it's still not 100% effective in that regard.

I also have the MeChic.  When I was faithful, it worked and the results lasted quite awhile.  I got lazy with the maintenance and my chinny chin chin is hairy again.  I'm recommitting to using my device again.  Just finished a treatment. 

One thing I noticed is the MeChic has a built in number of flashes (120K, I think) and the TSV has unlimited.  It would take a long to to use 120K though. 

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Re: SmoothSkin BARE+ TSV 3/22

@Sugipine THANKS!  Very helpful!