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Where did you ever hear that woman's legs get skinnier when they  reach menopause? Really? (Renee just said that btw) please vendors, Stop giving out information that is just ridiculous. 

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Love, love Renee!!  She said it was some doctor that mentioned that.  

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I have heard that before. That as you lose estrogen and progesterone it leads to insulin resistence  and  your weight shifts going to the midsection from hips,buttocks and legs.  Some women remain @ the same weight or a little weight gain and shape is different.

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@I have heard that before. That as you lose estrogen and progesterone it leads to insulin resistence  and  your weight shifts going to the midsection from hips,buttocks and legs.  Some women remain @ the same weight or a little weight gain and shape is different.

@nikkimom booty has deflated and moved around to my midriff............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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The legs look thinner because the middle expands!!!

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My height is getting shorter.  I'm not seeing thinner legs in this area code.

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that is so untrue and when she says you need to wear strech pants so you can over eat guess what you do not need to over eat and many people do not like strech pants? Me being one of them. only strech pants I wear is work out pants. 

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Re: Renee, renee

[ Edited ]

Its true - I used to carry my weight in my hips and thighs and now it is all in my stomach.  Take a look around - you will see that it is true.

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I think it more true if you are apple shaped to begin with. JMO