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Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

  1. M131790

Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter


$159.98 / 5 easy payments $32.00 


Ships Now, 11/11 or 12/9  Auto Delivery OptionIDGpyiHmNWZhjKH.jpg

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

The way my husband ate...that would be 2 servings...

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

That is close to 50 dollars a pound, I get prime filet at Sams club for 25 a pound, half of that!

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

My eyes must be playing tricks on me.  The wrapped piece of meat in the demo looks very much like a typical filet mignon, but the pieces Ray is slicing on the board look much thinner and wider, as if it's another cut of meat.  


The same steaks are available thru the Costco website at a slightly better value.  


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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

Portion size is ok, but for a meal for me and DD--$30 is way too pricy. easy pass.

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

But, but, the butter.........😂

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

@Still Raining wrote:

But, but, the butter.........😂

Herb Compound Butter is easy to make. 

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

The price (like ALL the food QVC sells) is RIDICULOUS.

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24


Yikes, no way in h*ll ... Cat SurprisedCat SadCat Surprised

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Re: Rastelli's (10) 5-oz Black Angus Reserve Filet Mignon w/ Butter 10/27/24

I've had their filet mignon steak tips and they were quite good but Rastelli's has been shrinking their portion sizes. 


I think $30 for steak dinners for 2 is pretty reasonable!