Posts: 54
Registered: ‎12-15-2011

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

Me too!
Posts: 54
Registered: ‎12-15-2011

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

This is ridiculous! I have wasted valuable's not the browser QVC ! This is a shady company! Every time I try to put in the coupon code it says invalid. What are we supposed to do now QVC? Go out and spend more money because you fell through on your promise to give us a free case with purchase!
Posts: 0

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

Hi @Angel1948 make sure you put the address in the address bar and not the search bar. If you search it you could come up with the companies international sites and they do not have this offer.

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Posts: 3
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

After many failed attempts, I gave up and ordered from Amazon.  Then I became angry at myself I gave in so easily so I kept researching and reading this post. I had success by doing the following when entering the coupon code.  Letters in caps and the last digit is a letter NOT a number. 

Worked like a charm.  I guess the previous attempts were all user error.


Now I'm off to the post office to return the one I paid for from 


Posts: 0

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

Hi @KHJ please email us at

Posts: 0

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

Hi @Sugar Bunny @Nicky601 @swedesh1 @canadian @dorota @dollystone @deals It sounds like many are having the same issue. When logging on to the website make sure the address is in the browser bar not the search bar. Putting the address in the browser bar takes you right to the US website which is the only one offering the case. If you put the address in the search bar and end up on an international site you can try and place the order but the coupon code will not work. Also try changing your browser, especially if you are using Internet Explorer, only the newest version may work. I am so sorry everyone is having difficulty. 

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎12-15-2011

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

Thank you Alice-QVC! Now I feel foolish, the zero I kept trying in my coupon code turned out to be the letter O. I appreciate your help!

Posts: 40
Registered: ‎08-16-2010

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

I was able to order with no problem. But this is a scam and shame on QVC...I have emailed Caseable twice and get zero response. I received an email with my order number but the product had yet to show up. I want to know where it is and when it's coming. If arriving by USPS 1st class mail, it does not take 2 weeks. If they sent 3rd class which is junk mail, it doesn't even have to show up. I'm fed up with worthless promos and broken promises.

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Registered: ‎12-21-2017

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

tried ordering from caseable for over two hours. will not accept coupon code. emailed them and they do not reply. i tried using google and google chrome and neither work. QVC shouldn't sell a product with added bonus of a free case when caseable won't honor it. Then after seeing hundreds of people reporting this same issue, when i called in no one seemed to have heard any thing about it, so they said they will send me another voucher. what good is it if caseable won't accept the code to honor it ?

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎08-04-2013

Re: Problem ordering free Caseable cover for TSV Fire HD 10

I was too, with much frustration, finally able to order this and received notice from Caseable the order was completed and SHIPPED. This was TEN DAYS AGO. Where is it? I am in Philadelphia and they are in Brooklyn. So again, WHERE IS IT ? QVC has allowed its customers get shammed by this bogus outfit. OK QVC, time to step up and make things right. To put us through all this aggravation starting with the browser issues and the lies about shipping is beyond unconscienable. I am tired of the poor CS reps trying to soft peddle this atrocious problem. You sold this as an added value worth $32.50. You should refund or credit everyone who ordered every one these pack-ups.