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I am appalled at the Presenter / Host of the Generation Gems that aired today. I was unable to focus on the beautiful gemstone rings because of his blood filled finger nail that was such a nasty looking distraction! Where is the "groomers" for the male hosts??? You would never see a female host present in such an unkempt manner! QVC - Please pay attention to details...they still count!

Thank you for allowing me to voice my disapproval...

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Re: Presentation

[ Edited ]

 For the 2nd time was  seriously looking at buying     but again  I am appalled that  the pieces from the vault and other expensive pieces , that  the inside of the rings nor the back of the items were shown.  To me that is just as important to see how the inside of a ring is finished off or not finished off . no mention of color of diamonds or quality.  The  women Hosts JT  does not  know what she is doing . She just talks talks talks  to hear her own voice.  It wasn't any better with  two women presenting as Hosts   So, no buying by me of  any of this jewelry since there are no serious  Hosts who know how to properly  display   items to customers. Guess, they are there just to wear the items on air  and not serious in  providing to us  customers views of the items or  info.

 Than can't they atleast  give color , clarity , of diamonds and other views in the  product descriptions .

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@skatting44 wrote:

Guess, they are there just to wear the items on air .

Right! Models with talking privileges! The true expert hosts are no longer at QVC. Maybe instead of paying Rick to yell for two hours they could show the model Staci in silence. Or have Alberti host, whose hands were always very clean years ago when he presented jewelry. He's slim, so he could probably wear the pieces as well.

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I can't stand listening to the gold buyer. I can't remember her name but have to turn the channel when she's on.

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Kind of funny becasue I was thinking the same thing.  Since the pandemic though I have seen some women hosts who do their own nails now and not such a good job.  A manicure before going on air should be a requirement!!!!!!!!!  Just like a pedicure when modeling sandals, pet peeve of mine.

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I agree about presenting jewlery.  There was a ring I wanted to see on the finger to see just how big the ring was.  The host (who I am surprised didn't try it on because with clothing shows she is very informative) didn't put it on and kept turning it side to side in her hand.  That did nothing for me.  I didn't purchase it.  I watched Pat on after and she was excellent showing and explaning everything about what she was presenting.  There was a Carolyn Pollack leather bracelet in two sizes that Pat explained what the sizes fit your wrist size.  The previous host that had it on earlier never stated that.  Not everyone has a computer and depends on all of the information. 

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Just curious, would a band-aid on his boo-boo nail have been more attractive?

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@KingstonsMom wrote:



Just curious, would a band-aid on his boo-boo nail have been more attractive?

@KingstonsMom @PCC1    yes A proper bandage would have been better

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Oh my gosh, I've told this story on here before.  One hundred years ago, Bob Bowersox was presenting jewelry, and he wore white gloves.  He apogized for doing so, but he had an injury on one of his fingers, and he did not want that to show up magnified on the closeups of the rings.    


Imagine a host doing that now.  

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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I would NEVER buy any expensive jewelry from a tv shopping channel.  I would much rather go to a reputable local jeweler, try on items, inspect items, and speak with the jeweler!  I simply do not trust what might be sold and I question the quality....just me...