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Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

K cups are not recyclable! Landfills are loaded with these little plastic cups. You do have options for single cup brewing. Please consider the planet before you purchase.
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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

I agree. That's why we have a Nespresso, we can recycle. 

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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig


Thanks for your thoughtful post.

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Registered: ‎03-24-2010

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

There are some companies that make "k-cups" that are almost 100% compostable - I have purchased them on rare occasion at my local grocery store and at BB&B online.  I throw the grounds, etc. in my composter.  About all you throw away is the top seal.  Or, better yet, you can buy an Eco-cup and fill it yourself and you can even compost the grounds.

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Richard C. Call
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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

A relative who has one of the big Keurigs told me the water chamber gets nasty and there is special cleaner for it.  He said you have to run it through the cycle several times for the chamber to get clean.  That alone would keep me from buying one - besides the cost of K-cups.  I like my drip coffee maker.   

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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

if you do a little research, you will discover biodegradable k cups - 97% about-  in a variety of coffees. i have been using for several years.

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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

@Catty2 wrote:

A relative who has one of the big Keurigs told me the water chamber gets nasty and there is special cleaner for it.  He said you have to run it through the cycle several times for the chamber to get clean.  That alone would keep me from buying one - besides the cost of K-cups.  I like my drip coffee maker.   

This may depend on the quality of the water where you live.

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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

I agree with your concern and that is why I use the included reusable "My K Cup".  Nothing to dispose of except the coffee grounds that I buy on sale at my local grocery store.   I save money because I'm not buying k-cups, not buying paper filters and can purchase any ground coffee I like.  I can also buy whole beans and grind myself. I make only 1 or 2 cups and there is zero waste and no pot to wash. While I agree with the original poster's concerns about the irresponsible use of disposable k cups I wanted to mention the other possibilities. You can enjoy these great coffee makers in a responsible manner.😊

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Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

@Andreatoo wrote:
K cups are not recyclable! Landfills are loaded with these little plastic cups. You do have options for single cup brewing. Please consider the planet before you purchase.

@Andreatoo wrote:
K cups are not recyclable! Landfills are loaded with these little plastic cups. You do have options for single cup brewing. Please consider the planet before you purchase.

we can say that about so many things

Diapers, soda bottles, packaging etc

I hope everyone is responsible about everything

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Posts: 13,780
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

[ Edited ]

Hubby loves his Keurig.  I don't drink coffee, so it's not for me.  They do require a little maintenance especially with our hard water, and we use the filtered water from the refrigerator, but it's not a big deal.  The K-cups are soooo expensive and keep getting more expensive, so I was glad when we could no longer find his favorite blend anymore.  Found a new blend that I can get in the ground coffee section to use in the My K-Cups, so it's cheaper and I don't have to live with all those K-cups sitting around waiting for him to empty them for the composter.


I have an instant hot water spigot that works great for my hot tea.