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I so wanted to learn about the Perricone Conformer but Sean Killinger could not stop talking and repeating the cost over and over again and the callers. She would not let Dana speak so we can learn about the products! It was horrible. Please give her training so she can learn to let them educate us and not hear you just talk about nothing.
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Bummer!I was waiting for the video as i missed the show..QVC takes forever to post them...Was gonna buy but now probably not because they did not list the ingredients and the other conformer sets dont have them listed either.I want to see what i am putting on my skin before i buy...I could go to Perricones sight to look but for all i know the ingredients could be different for QVC.

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I gave the video a shot for a couple of minutes. Both products are really good, have ordered them several years ago, but I'm kind of watching my wallet this year.


Shawn's new (to me, anyway) hair style reminds me of '70's Farrah Fawcett hair:

1:48 pm: Farrah Fawcett dies at 62 | Local News |

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Trying watching Rick sell the Nina outdoor cooker.  The guys were trying to educate and he would bop up and down screeching with some comments.  Wow it was ridiculous.  He actually sounded stupid with those comments and he isn't.  

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@beauty0125    I didn't watch the presentation with Shawn,but AliCarr is on this morning and she's worse.   Constantly talking about herself and her kids.  She's as bad as Jane and getting worse.     She's such a phony with that valley girl voice

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AliCarr does seem to go on and on about her personal experiences and her family,  I really DO NOT CARE!!  Just please explain the product and stop interupting the guest.  We KNOW how much the item costs and we do not need to buy two of everything!!!

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I watched a bit of the presentation last night with Shawn and Dana. Granted I was a bit sleepy at the time but I thought the vibe between the two of them was odd. 


I like Shawn well enough but I have definitely noticed that on many beauty presentations with a vendor she totally tries to dominate the process. She adds nothing of any value but just jabbers on and on not letting the vendor speak. She's terrible with Rose-Marie Swift of RMS Beauty. And there's been a time or two I literally wanted to throw a shoe at Shawn when she was on with Laura Geller. There was one infuriating interaction I will never, ever forget! How the heck Laura didn't call her on it I will never know.


And then last night with Dana it was similar with Shawnie Sue's blabbing in overdrive. Most of what she said added no value whatsoever. In fact, some of it was just downright silly. Woman Frustrated

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@Sparky3333 wrote:

Bummer!I was waiting for the video as i missed the show..QVC takes forever to post them...Was gonna buy but now probably not because they did not list the ingredients and the other conformer sets dont have them listed either.I want to see what i am putting on my skin before i buy...I could go to Perricones sight to look but for all i know the ingredients could be different for QVC.

@Sparky3333   I agree. I'm a Perricone user (Cold Plasma + and face firming moisturizer, on auto), but I also use a Retinol at night (Peter Thomas Roth) and Vitamin C (day, recommended by dermatologist)—so I needed to see the actual ingredients in each of the TSV items.


Unbelievable that they are not listed. They are relying on Dana's enthusiasm. And I adore Dana and her outlook on life. But I'm a scientist. Ingredients, please.

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@bargainsgirl wrote:

AliCarr does seem to go on and on about her personal experiences and her family,  I really DO NOT CARE!!  Just please explain the product and stop interupting the guest.  We KNOW how much the item costs and we do not need to buy two of everything!!!

@bargainsgirl    I so agree....I'm not interested in her training for a marathon...what does that have to do with it...

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I also tried to find the ingredients. I could not find them.


Not worth buying the set just so I could see the ingredients.