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Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

[ Edited ]

This offer of 6 SunPatiens seems to be a good value to me. Last year I paid $4.95 per plant at my local go-to greenhouse. I am still going to buy local, because I want to get my eyes on the actual plant before I buy.


I hope people note the variegated foliage on the "Tropical" choice. I tried that once and didn't like how it clashed with the color of the flowers. But that might just be me. Phillip seems to like the look.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

Seriously @PA Mom-mom   Every nursery and home goods stores across the country sells impatients. In many years gone by I've picked up a couple of interesting plants/bulbs here from those knuckleheads at Roberta's. They were beautiful - Starfire Lilies. Some bloomed, some did not. I stopped buying plants online here, if I do buy online it's from a very reputable complany who KNOWS what they're doing AND their plants actually grow.


I buy local, much better ALWAYS.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

I'm ordering them for a container on my patio.  It sat empty all last year because I never bothered to buy anything for in it.  I didn't think to get enough to fill it when I bought annuals last year.  I'm going to order these specifically for that purpose.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

The deer in my area eat them up like crazy! I can't plant petunias either. I've found they leave marigolds alone though. They're not my favorite flowers, but marigolds are better than no flowers.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

@PINKdogWOOD  These sun-loving SunPatiens are definitely different from the standard Impatiens, which are shade loving. They seem to be a cross between New Guinea impatiens and Impatiens. Not sure about that. I have not seen them under $4.95 per plant around here. I always buy more than 12, so I get a break on the price. Regular Impatiens are around $2.95 for a 6-pack.


I like to buy local, except for some plants and seeds I can't find locally.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

@PA Mom-mom 


I bought  the Sunpatients  abt 2 yrs ago and they grew to be massive , unfortunately the deer  ate one and  I had to put chick wire around them , so passed them by last year.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

[ Edited ]

IF I were to buy any plants they would just die in the Arizona heat. If not from the heat they would die from the neglect because I don't go outside to tend to them from May to October.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

I want to buy, but I am worried about the deer eating them.  They even ate my marigolds last year!  

@Sweet Kitties wrote:

The deer in my area eat them up like crazy! I can't plant petunias either. I've found they leave marigolds alone though. They're not my favorite flowers, but marigolds are better than no flowers.


"Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful."
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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

@Kallena  and @Sweet Kitties  I think if deer are hungry enough they will eat almost anything. A few years ago, they even nibbled on the tomato plants on my patio! Last year they ate the impatiens under my oak tree, but they didn't get to the SunPatiens in the front of the house. I think they were too close to other houses and people. The pots of SunPatiens on my patio were unscathed as well.

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Re: Phillip Watson's TSV 6 SunPatiens

I am getting them because I like the salmon color one. I am also primarily buying them to support Phillip Watson!


Phillip has been yanked around by QVC for so many years, when before he used to be their number one garden/flower vendor.


They have not treated him well, and he is brilliant horticulturist. He is the nicest man, and I will support him. He has crawled his way back to the Q, getting small shows here and there. He does it because he has such a fan base, he wants those people to have flowers too. He also answers questions and gives advice on his Facebook page which not many vendors do.


Now he has a TSV and I am very happy for him. If he succeeds, maybe QVC will give him more on air hours.