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all that food is loaded with sugar and everything you do  not need. if you want to try something new try whole30 will change your whole attitude about food? would not do any jenny craig ww or anything like this again. you need to get rid of sugar in your body and all prosseced food and eat reguler food you make yourself.

Posts: 49
Registered: ‎04-18-2010
I agree about the Whole 30 plan!
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@Roni18 wrote:

@58Meezer wrote:
I wish Nutrisystem food was gluten free, non gmo...sigh

The food they are showing this morning looks extremely unhealthy to me. 

I KNOW!  I Carolyn just said how we buy food in the middle aisles that have does this stuff stay in their boxes, in the pantry without preservatives.  I hear the food is just nasty.  I would rather eat clean, cooked REAL food.

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Different programs work for different people.  Because I like to cook and don't want to eat premade, boxed food, I eventually lost weight cooking and eating fresh food cooked simply...grilled/baked chicken, fish; turkey burgers, lots of salads and veggies; fruit between meals; lots of water.  For those who wish to do the Nutrisystem, good luck.  It did not work for me.  I tried it and the food was not good.  What they don't tell you is that the chocolate bars and muffins they show are actually your lunch or breakfast food, not extras.  I appreciated buying thru QVC so I could get my $$ back, which I did; and even though you aren't required to send the food back, I did.  Personally, if you want to do a portioned, controlled, already cooked program, you might be better off taste wise and $$ wise to get Lean Cuisines on sale at your local grocery and go that route.  I actually found the Lean Cuisines to be more tasty than NS, and they make ones now with little/no preservatives.

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  I tried Nutriglop one time....Bleeeccchhhhhhh...


The stuff looks well presented on TeeVee....then you get a plain cardboard box with all the fake food in boxes different than buying tv dinners and candy bars at the grocery glom down the stuff you like, and s-can the rest.



You could do the same thing by purchasing Lean Cuisine or other offerings in the store...Buy a weeks worth...7 days x two meals a day, plus fruit, whole eggs and veggies and something for one "real" meal a day....


You can "learn" portion control that way, eat relatively well,, and buy what YOU like. Read the labels and choose the least glopped up one of the trays from the Lean Cuisine and use it as your guide for your own meals.


I've lost HUNDREDS of pounds over the last 40 years, and gained most of it back after going off a "diet". Unfortunately, the ONLY WAY is the unglamorous, boring less, move more, and do that for the rest of your life.


Or, accept how you are. Read today's obituaries...if you find ONE where it mentions  that persons waist size, let me know.

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Re: Nutrisystem TSV 1/1/17

[ Edited ]


 But I know some people who are successful with many different plans, because they have researched and found out why they are obese and what they need to do to change.


I may have used too many "just" but are you telling me people don't know why they are obese. I hope you are joking. If you eat gallons of ice cream, bags of chips, fast food and sweets and junk food, no research or diet plan is going to help change your way of eating. Common sense and reality will lead you to success. I see people in the grocery store that are obese and their grocery carts are filled with junk food. Surely, they know that is not healthy eating or maybe they don't want to take the time to cook healthy. If people don't know that pizza and shakes are not healthy, this plan will not help. Portion control is important. Please give people more credit. Carolyn said she has tried many diet plans and they have not worked. Now she is touting this plan. She has said she has a personal trainer. She has access to many plans and she is still struggling.

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@elated wrote:


 But I know some people who are successful with many different plans, because they have researched and found out why they are obese and what they need to do to change.


I may have used too many "just" but are you telling me people don't know why they are obese. I hope you are joking. If you eat gallons of ice cream, bags of chips, fast food and sweets and junk food, no research or diet plan is going to help change your way of eating. Common sense and reality will lead you to success. I see people in the grocery store that are obese and their grocery carts are filled with junk food. Surely, they know that is not healthy eating or maybe they don't want to take the time to cook healthy. Please give people more credit. Carolyn said she has tried many diet plans and they have not worked. Now she is touting this plan. She has said she has a personal trainer. She has access to many plans and she is still struggling.

I do not joke about obesity. I am possessed of a pretty good amount of "common sense". Your statement rhat "they know that is not healthy eating or maybe they don't want to take the time to cook healthy" is a huge oversimplification regarding the dynamics and circumstances that took me to 267 pounds.


If you found your answers in those realizations, I really am pleased that you have succeeded.


 Whom am I to give "more credit"? I see people in supermarkets buying things that if consumed will make them fat. I would not think for one second to judge their "common sense" or what was taking up their time. Why? Because I was pushing THEIR BASKET not very long ago, and using junk food as they were using it. KNOWING WHY I am obese is a huge part of obesity management, and for some the most important part.


But not a solution for everyone. I am really, truly, honestly glad that what you have done has worked so well for you. But again, your solution was not mine.

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I wonder whether the choice of foods is ideal in the long run.


They make such a big deal about including so many sweet foods/shakes and other stuff (pizza, etc.) that can trigger impulsive eating because they contend that a person will stay on their diet longer that way.


But what about post-diet? Did that person learn how to eat more healthfully and in moderation? Did the person learn the importance of moving -- any kind of physical movement?


I'm definitely not suggesting that most people totally cut out foods that they like, but I think the predominant way to help those lose weight is to help them learn to make the best choices and to teach them that healltful foods can be delicious and satisfying without the need to sugar- or starch-coat everything.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Violann: What was your solution to losing weight? You never stated what you did. I think people that are obese have low self esteem and need to find the reason before they obtain success.

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I also did the lean cuisine meals for my dinner and added a veggie. I actually read somewhere that the chefs that make the Lean cuisine also make meals for NutriSystem, I'm not sure if that's true but I did read it. I ate my own regular breakfast like cereal and fruit or eggs and lean proteins and salads for lunch. I also ate Greek yogurt everyday then I would have a lean cuisine and veggie for dinner. I would have a cup of tea and a little something sweet in the evening before 7:30-8:00. I lost 50 pounds in 5 months. I figured I was probably consuming 1200-1400 calories a day. I didn't exercise.