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Ninja Foodi TSV 4/27

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Today's Special Value® - Wednesday, April 27, 2022

K-54501 Ninja Foodi 15-in-1 Smart Dual Heat Air Fry Flip Oven w/Probe

Choice of: Red, Cinnamon, Blue, Black or Stainless

QVC Price: $299.99 TSV Price: $199.98


Repeat of November 28, 2021 TSV. Same TSV Price.


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Seems like that's a TSV or TS every few  months anymore.

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My daughter, sister and I took a ride to the QVC Frazer Outlet this past Thursday and they had several of these Ninja Foodi 15in1 there for $69.   While we were there, I didn't see anyone buying them.  Most people were more interested in buying any winter outerwear which was $10 and any boots winter or other were $15.   They had a lot of clothing marked at very good prices as well.  I bought a beautiful Susan Graver top for $5 and change and a pair of Sketcher slip on washable flats for $21.   My daughter bought 4 sets of winter fleece pj sets made by Cuddl Duds and Muk Luks.  Each set was $9. 

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it looks like quite the appliance! my concern would be the height of food, you wanted to cook. doesn't seem tall enough for a whole chicken. very tempting, though.

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I have the original version.  The flip up feature was a great selling point.  Around the same time I purchased it, I also bought the original Ninja Foodie Grill. I kept both on the counter for convenience. Then I rearranged things and could only keep one appliance.  I chose the grill.  The oven has been put away for quite some time.  I never think about pulling it out. I regret the purchase, to be honest.  The only reason I keep it is that I may possibly need it sometime for holiday dinners when doing more dishes than usual. 

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I have the same issue with it as @10sluvr .  The height really limits the size of food you can cook in it.  I'm happy with my Oster French Door Convection oven.  

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I had bought that Ninja oven one of the times it was a TSV.  However it was defective so I sent it back.  Can't imagine how anyone would be constantly lifting it upright on their counter!?!


I purchased the Oster airfryer oven.  It's huge, but I really like it.  Most of it's counter space is vertical and imho it takes up less usable than the Ninja did.

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I keep a clean, clutter free kitchen. Whether it's flip up or not, I don't like appliances on my counter. It's annoying enough that I have to keep my blender & toaster up there because I don't have enough cabinet space to store them. I guess I'm just too lazy to move appliances & wash behind them all the time.

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$200 for an oven is overpriced. I have a Black and Decker for about $30 and Ive owned it over 15 years.  Dont fall for the latest marketing schemes.