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New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

I'm recently widowed and my kids feel that I need "fall detection" Smiley Sad   I've decided an Apple 7 Watch would be a good choice.  Is there ever a TSV for Apple products?

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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

Yes....go to the Apple store to look at your options. will love it!

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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

@buyornot   Sorry I can't edit my post.  Just want to add.....I said "yes" to encourage and support you iin buying the Apple watch....not to answer your question regarding a TSV.  I buy all of my products at the Apple store and would not buy them anywhere else.


Years ago when they first came out, I bought Apple watches for myself and my husband.  A couple of years went buy and my watch was malfunctioning.  I went to the Apple store and they gave me a new replacement.  This, of course, does not routinely happen but the throughout the years whenever I have had an issue with a product, I have a place to go and have it repaired.  I always buy the insurance....definitely worth it.  I would highly recommend buying your watch at the Apple store.  

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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

@buyornot   I bought an Apple Watch 7 in early November and love it.  I mainly bought it for the fall detection but love everything about it.  You have to set it up for fall detection.  It will notify the contact that you specify.  


I would only buy it from the Apple store.  They have excellent customer service.  QVC is not the place to buy electronics.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

Don't wait for a TSV. Typically when they have an Apple TSV they throw in a bunch of cheap gadgets you don't need to make it look like a bargain when it isn't. Your best bet would be to go to the Apple store or order one online. 

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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

@buyornot wrote:

I'm recently widowed and my kids feel that I need "fall detection" Smiley Sad   I've decided an Apple 7 Watch would be a good choice.  Is there ever a TSV for Apple products?

fall detection does work I tripped on something last week and watch detected it.


Now as for purchasing just go to the apple store and buy it there, you don't need the extras they sell here in order to "sell here"......for which they charge an exorbitant additional cost.


I think the 6 has it as well and it might be less money.


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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

Another tip.  Get Apple Care.  I have one and I try to trade it in before it has no lasting value.  Apple has a pretty good trade in  system.  

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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

@buyornot wrote:

I'm recently widowed and my kids feel that I need "fall detection" Smiley Sad   I've decided an Apple 7 Watch would be a good choice.  Is there ever a TSV for Apple products?

I'm sorry for your loss @buyornot and you have reminded me I need fall detection also.


I don't have an Apple Store close to me but there is a Best Buy that I can get too and that's where I buy my Apple products and have been very pleased.  I have purchased an iPhone, iPad, Macbook pro and an Apple watch for grandson.  They set everything up for me and their protection works for me.  My kids are to far away to help with routine chores or shopping and I need to upgrade my phone. 


Take care of you! 


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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

@buyornot Nowhere is better than an Apple Store. If you have access to one go there to make your purchase. Explain your situation and some of the sales people are willing to go the extra mile and program it for you. If not, make an appointment for the Genius Bar or wait that day as a walk-in until one of them can help you. Those people are spectacular when it comes to Apple products. Sometimes there are classes for how to use specific items, but I unfortunately did not attend.


I have bought some products from the online store, but shopping in person is the best. If you do not have a store available nearby, check with your children to see if there is one near them. You could get a nice visit and a watch.



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Re: New to buying electronics-I need an Apple Watch TSV? Does that happen?

Best Buy will also match prices if another business has them on sale, includes Amazon and Walmart. They do have to have them in stock and it had to come from them, not a third party seller. Best Buy also has a trade in program for used devices.