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More Christmas... grrrrr!

[ Edited ]

Is Christmas really that popular in the summer?  Nothing I see is that unique or of superb value.  Was hoping the sale of Christmas items was going to be limited to July but alas here we go again.

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

@dorzie    Oh no, it's the 25th and we'll have Christmas sales from now on every month on the 25th until December plus as we get closer there will be many other shows sandwiched into the schedule.  July was just the start.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

@dorzie    I don't even want decor items that are new and different, but I have nothing I really want so I can't urge QVC to change.  


What kind of item would you buy if it were new and different?

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

Absolutely nothing am I going to buy--try not to watch the "25th" days of the month, this time of year. And are all the hosts going to wrap themselves up in these lights??? Good grief!!! Am sure there will pjs and dumb head bands too---Smiley Frustrated Good day to clean the house!!!

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

Grrr! Funny Angry dog t shirt" Tote Bag for Sale by Johannesart | Redbubble

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

I am going through things and giving them to my kids now....not adding more Christmas stuff..just celebrate that fall is coming! 

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!



i am very lucky


i have 4 Q channels to choose from.......  and qvcplus







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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

I didn't think I wanted more Christmas stuff either and I plan to get rid of more this year.  But I caved and bought the set of lighted bottle brush trees.  I thought they'd look nice on my mantle.  I'm never happy with what I have on my mantle - hope this does it.  

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

@FranandZoe  Did you buy the light string that has mini-bottle-brush trees encased in each bulb?  Like a ship in a bottle, as MBR said.  I thought it was strange but hope it works out for you.


I also saw the Jim Shore 2022 Santa Claus ornaments.  MBR described how you could write on the back in permanent marker "baby's first Christmas," then she asked Jim how many grandchildren he had (13), then she offered that she had recently added one, and went on to tell the story of her new granddaughter.  It was a clever if sneaky way to work that in.

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Re: More Christmas... grrrrr!

@millieshops wrote:

@dorzie    I don't even want decor items that are new and different, but I have nothing I really want so I can't urge QVC to change.  


What kind of item would you buy if it were new and different?

I bought for my neighbor, the lantern with the carinals in it and the snow. Thats the only present I buy for Xmas, so now I'm done with my shopping. Also bought the farmer in a green truck, with pumpkins for myself.  I love these shows , never get tired of them.Better than shoes, that they never ever have in a 6 AA. I have lots of Xmas decorations, don't put up a tree, but decorate my table and enjoy every day when the lights come on in my many decorations. Happiness is what you make of it.