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Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

How many times has My Pillow been a TSV?  TOO MANY! Hour long shows talking about a pillow is ridiculous.  Please QVC,  can't you find anything better than a pillow for a TSV.  How can the hosts possibly talk for a whole hour about a pillow? I WILL NOT be watching.

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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

I would have sworn that nobody could possibly spend an hour talking about one pillow.  However, that Mike Lindell can babble on indefinitely.  I just wish he'd go away.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

Not only that, the commercials during regular TV programming are awful.... especially the one with only music that lasts indefinitely.  We turn it off as soon as we see the blue shirt.....  

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

I have so many of these pillows and the travel ones too but I think they have repeats is because there are new viewers everyday and this is a popular item. Maybe it will be an extra special value that we can't resist.

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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

This is how QVC programs their today’s special. Whatever it happens to be it is on all day. I remember when I first found QVC years ago their programs were so different. An item was only on for about 3 minutes, and then on to the next. If you were not interested you knew there would be a new item in a very short while. I rarely watch anymore as their    programming is very tedious, and predictable.

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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

Maybe they can't get rid of them...........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

I am tired of seeing him on QVC and even more so on all his commercials.  I tried his pillows and they were a return for me.

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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

Gotta love Mike in his medicine cabinet commercial " I knew you would" the man is a natural actor what about the foam pillow LOL " you just go down and down" i bet that woman got the message

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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

It's no wonder why he couldn't sleep he talked too much to himself worke himself up

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Re: Mon. Dec. 11 TSV MY PILLOW.".........AGAIN?

Do you think QVC and HSN are becoming more of an "infomercial" type TV channel?  There are so many repeats of the same products on a rotation basis and the presentations go on so long.