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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

When women say snarky, nasty things about other women’s choices it is an example of why women are not “equal” to men in society.  Women yearn for equality, but undermine us all by exhibiting these behaviors.  Ever notice that men don’t do this?  Criticizing others and opining upon their physical appearances causes many women to doubt themselves about what is being said about them behind their backs.  It sows the seeds of self doubt and insecurity.  We need to lift each other up, not cut each other down.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@Kardi wrote:

When women say snarky, nasty things about other women’s choices it is an example of why women are not “equal” to men in society.  Women yearn for equality, but undermine us all by exhibiting these behaviors.  Ever notice that men don’t do this?  Criticizing others and opining upon their physical appearances causes many women to doubt themselves about what is being said about them behind their backs.  It sows the seeds of self doubt and insecurity.  We need to lift each other up, not cut each other down.

@Kardi, I understand your dismay at rude comments but totally disagree with your comparison to men (yes, they do indeed have the same qualities, just maybe less directed at appearance) and especially disagree with your conclusion that women are the the reason behind any lack of equality. We could be "perfect" people and still lag behind in many ways.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I'm a 3X. According to many women on this board, nothing looks good on me or any woman that size. I just roll my eyes now at those comments. Trust me, I've lived most of my life as a plus-size female, and with having a fashionista for a mother, I think I know what looks good on me and what doesn't. That said, I would not wear LR's cargo pants, because I don't like the style, even if they were flattering or not. 

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@x Hedge wrote:

@teachergal wrote:

As she has stated she designs for small frame women, these pants do no favors for anyone over a small size.  I feel sorry for the poor hosts who have to wear these pants on air.  Don't hate me for giving my opinion, just like LR did in May 2016.



What a pot stirring post.


If you feel that way, why wait for TSV day to slam?

If you take issue with her, or her designs, or some staged event on a non-"reality" show, then slam away year 'round.


And you're not here to discuss the finer points of the garments design, are you?

No, it's Rinna you want to damage, and you want to do that by telling everyone over a size 8 they'd better not order cuz they'll look bad!


I'm not a Rinna customer.

I don't buy ANY clothing from QVC.

It's these constant pot shots at the TSVs that have gone to my last nerve.


Posters, do you have a favorite vendor or product line that gets maligned EVERY time, on or around their TSV day?

I do.

It's sooo predictable.


Don't hate me for giving my opinion, just like you did June 2018. 




ok mods, poof 💨 away



@x Hedge Thank you.  Yes I do have a favorite vendor or product line that gets maligned EVERY time, on or around their TSV day!

Posts: 36
Registered: ‎03-24-2010

Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I know you received a lot of negative feedback, but I agree with you  100%, except that I would add that I think even the skinny models look ridiculous in these. Ditto yesterday's TSV from Barefoot Dreams, which made everyone look as if they were wrapped in a burrito. I truly love a lot of QVC fashion, so I am not slamming the company, just pointing out some taste missteps, in my opinion.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@Teddixat wrote:



Can you provide proof she ever said anything like that?  I just cannot believe that.  If she designed clothes for smaller women why then does she offer them in larger sizes.    Please provide proof she said that 

@Teddixat  $$$

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Posts: 35,002
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@RipleyGirl wrote:

I imagine the women over size 8 who buy the pants and feel great would beg to differ with you.



@RipleyGirl  I tried them the last time she was on (5’2”...barely and size 2). Without wearing a high heel like Amy Stran, they looked a little poofy & fancy sweatpants. Returned them.