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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@Venezia wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Actions and words should and do have consequences. If some people choose not to spend their money on a reality show, pseudo designer, because of her hateful remarks, more power to them.

Everyone has the right to choose how she spends her money.


If for personal reasons, you choose not to support a particular vendor, fine.


Don't watch the shows, don't buy the product.


That's not the intent of the OP.  The intent is to continually bring up old news and try to influence others.


More power to those who have never made a mistake in their lives and who have never spoken in anger.  More power to those who ignore the entirety of what happened and choose only to focus on a small part.


More power to those who don't believe in anyone having second chances - including themselves.

You can scold all you like, if you are a business person, you don't insult your potential customers. I stand by my remarks, some people think saying , " I'm sorry you were offended by what I said " is an apology, it is not. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I thought this comment was a subtle way of bringing back a discussion about what she said in anger about large women and an attempt to avoid the moderators shutting down the topic

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

Doesn't matter who made these pants.  The women on this board hates everything.  Doesn't matter who the vendor is or what the product is, they just won't like it.   I'm sure when 

I wear these nobody is going to walk up to me and say wow, you're wearing harem pants, or your pants are ugly.  You don't like  them, don't buy them.  Apparently, 20,000 pairs sold, somebody likes them.    If I listened to anybody on this board for fashion tips, I have to walk around naked.  There's only one fashionista on the fashion board and I'm sure you all know who that is.  The rest of you are the peanut gallery.  

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

Agree. Not flattering in any way on larger women.  This is one of those "looks" where being slender is a definite plus.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

[ Edited ]

true....I felt sorry for the host and the choice of shoes with the pants was an unfortunate choice.  It you are comfortable and like the look, go for it and rock it!  Opinions are personal.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@Zernia Rose wrote:

I thought this comment was a subtle way of bringing back a discussion about what she said in anger about large women and an attempt to avoid the moderators shutting down the topic

Yep, exactly.  I'm surprised the mods haven't picked up on it yet.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I think the pants are cute on the people with no hips.  I think I would look silly in them.  I have had sweat pants with the banded bottom and it was something I kept pulling down.  As far as her remarks I really don't care.  She got on my nerves yesterday with the TSV.  I hate guests who try so hard to be cute and funny.  I guess that is the performer in her.  If I loved the pants and thought they would look good on me I would buy them.  Lisa is of no consequence just a vendor.  It is not like she is in a warehouse making each pair by hand. 

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

All pants will look different on different sized women. size xx-small standing next to xxx large will most definitely look different. NOT horrible, just different. 

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I am short with skinny legs but weight around the middle.  I tried joggers once, they fit, but I sent them back.  I am just not a fan of baggy legs.  I would wear these around the house but would not go out in them so for me its a no on the tsv.  LR looked nice in them, and Amy S looked cute in them in her stilettos but she looks cute in everything even in Lori G.

She is another designer I cannot wear.  Lots of ruffles and layers do not look good on a short person!

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I look fabulous. Your opinion is irrelevant.