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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@spiderw   Well said.  There is another thread on this subject under Q Talk about how Carolyn looked in the tsv today where I posted I did not think they looked good on her.  She usually looks good but these were too fitted on her but, as you say, if you feel good in them go for it.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

[ Edited ]

Luckily, we all have many choices. I usually wear a 16 or 18 in pants but in these, I order a large. I feel like they are good for me and that proportion is everythng so my shoes and top play a big part in how these pants look. I was not thrilled when Lisa Rinna made a very obnoxious retort about a hater's comment. It was a bad choice, for a person who represents her clothing line on television perhaps made under duress, stress, or maybe after a couple glasses of wine .


I wish I could say that I have always taken the high road with my words but I haven't. Lisa went back to her inner 7th grader in the face of criticism but I know she was not talking about me as she does not know me and I am sure she regrets her "fat" comment. 


I have to agree that all clothing looks better on thinner people. That is my opinion and I would love to wave my magic wand and be thin. Under the current circumstances (no magic wand) I am very happy that the Q has so many choices for larger and plus sized women as I want to look the best I can today at my current size. Her comment was unfortunate and it's too bad it lives on on the internet but I don't think she was making a hateful statement about her customers. I bet the Q brass has handled it just fine. 

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@dulwich wrote:

@spiderw   Well said.  There is another thread on this subject under Q Talk about how Carolyn looked in the tsv today where I posted I did not think they looked good on her.  She usually looks good but these were too fitted on her but, as you say, if you feel good in them go for it.

Whoever let her go in front of the cameras with thosetoo tight pants on should be fired. When they are too tight in the crotch area , it is embarrassing  and demeaning, which is way worse than  " unkind "

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@teachergal wrote:

As she has stated she designs for small frame women, these pants do no favors for anyone over a small size.  I feel sorry for the poor hosts who have to wear these pants on air.  Don't hate me for giving my opinion, just like LR did in May 2016.



What a pot stirring post.


If you feel that way, why wait for TSV day to slam?

If you take issue with her, or her designs, or some staged event on a non-"reality" show, then slam away year 'round.


And you're not here to discuss the finer points of the garments design, are you?

No, it's Rinna you want to damage, and you want to do that by telling everyone over a size 8 they'd better not order cuz they'll look bad!


I'm not a Rinna customer.

I don't buy ANY clothing from QVC.

It's these constant pot shots at the TSVs that have gone to my last nerve.


Posters, do you have a favorite vendor or product line that gets maligned EVERY time, on or around their TSV day?

I do.

It's sooo predictable.


Don't hate me for giving my opinion, just like you did June 2018. 




ok mods, poof 💨 away



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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@x Hedge- You beat me to the punch.  I was just about to ask whether there was any possible good reason for rehashing all that old news, other than to bash the vendor again.


You're right, it happens every time a vendor that someone dislikes for some reason has a TSV.  As if it's going to convince anyone to buy or not buy.


Such a foolish way for anyone to spend precious time, carrying a personal grudge.  Very immature, IMO.  

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

The pic of Lisa wearing them on Q's homepage looks like she is wearing sloppy pjs.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

Actions and words should and do have consequences. If some people choose not to spend their money on a reality show, pseudo designer, because of her hateful remarks, more power to them.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I am very careful when I open a SG thread and if its starts bashing I dont read any farther.  Now I guess I am going to have to do the same with any LR thread.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Actions and words should and do have consequences. If some people choose not to spend their money on a reality show, pseudo designer, because of her hateful remarks, more power to them.

Everyone has the right to choose how she spends her money.


If for personal reasons, you choose not to support a particular vendor, fine.


Don't watch the shows, don't buy the product.


That's not the intent of the OP.  The intent is to continually bring up old news and try to influence others.


More power to those who have never made a mistake in their lives and who have never spoken in anger.  More power to those who ignore the entirety of what happened and choose only to focus on a small part.


More power to those who don't believe in anyone having second chances - including themselves.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@teachergal wrote:

As she has stated she designs for small frame women, these pants do no favors for anyone over a small size.  I feel sorry for the poor hosts who have to wear these pants on air.  Don't hate me for giving my opinion, just like LR did in May 2016.


@teachergal  ..... I agree with you 100% ....I can’t stand her ever since she made that comment about larger sized women🤮