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LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

[ Edited ]

As she has stated she designs for small frame women, these pants do no favors for anyone over a small size.  I feel sorry for the poor hosts who have to wear these pants on air.  Don't hate me for giving my opinion, just like LR did in May 2016.


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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8



Can you provide proof she ever said anything like that?  I just cannot believe that.  If she designed clothes for smaller women why then does she offer them in larger sizes.    Please provide proof she said that 

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

On shorter person = looks like a genie in a bottle.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I imagine the women over size 8 who buy the pants and feel great would beg to differ with you.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8



I decided to look up to find out where she ever said that and could find nothing.  But I did find this quote from an interview she gave in Oregon where she is from


Rinna's also keeping busy with a clothing collection, Belle Gray by Lisa Rinna, for QVC. (The line is named after Rinna's daughters, Delilah Belle and Amelia Gray.) 

"I have really love being able to design clothes, and being able to dress all kinds of women," Rinna says. "This has been a big passion of mine since I was 12 years old, and got 'Mademoiselle' and 'Vogue' magazines. I don't think anybody else got 'Vogue' in Medford."

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

I thought they look great on the larger models.  A big improvement over the tight pants they usually wear.

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

Look up Rinna fat comments, you will see exactly what she said  about fat people.  I can't repeat as I don't use those words.  You will also find her apology that she issued weeks before her next QVC appearance.  She is a real potty mouth & although I am not a large person, I know her words hurt many people.  My opinion stands those pants are bad, really bad for anyone not small.


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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

@teachergal: I thought Leah looked great in these. She's beautiful but some of the things they put her in do not look good. These do.

I have a beautiful friend who I think wears L and she looks great in the cargos. That's what gave me the bug to try them.

They may very well not look good on me tho I ordered the XS.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I get that you just do not like these. Isn’t it wonderful to not be forced to purchase them yourself? If you see me coming try to avert your eyes🤓

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

If I recall she said we were all fat hoarders  I cant buy from her because the stuff she says and does on her show is so far below any of  our standards that I cant believe the hosts  act like shes great  She has  fought other women and got so trashy that if that is  being famous  KEEP IT  Shes knocked over tables thrown drinks in peoples face and had to be restrained

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Re: LR pants look horrible on anyone over size 8

Lisa Rinna has been maligned for whatever she said about larger women awhile ago.  I remember reading about it and it wasn't nice but I am not going to hate her for it and hold a grudge, that is me.  I am a plus size woman.


I am thankful all designers on the Q design for plus size women, that in itself is a bonus because there wasn't much choice in the past.  However, just because plus sizes are offered doesn't mean every garment will look good on every shape.  For example, I like many of Lori 's logo designs but many do not flatter me and that is ok.  I don't stress over it because there are so many different designers and clothes on the Q which I purchase and look good on me.  It is a matter of taste and what you like.  


These pants may not look good on plus size women but if a plus size person wants to buy a pair and they are comfortable and happy with the look, so be it.  I am just happy we larger women finally have choice of clothes and fashion just isn't about certain sizes.