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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

It's so annoying that they bring in soooooooooooo many of the TSVs and not enough of the lace leggings to go around (esp being they were meant to go together.)

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Posts: 612
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@songbird wrote:

A dumpy vote too.  Laurie looks awful in the dress.  Does nothing for her.  It looks nice on the host.  I forget her name. You have to have a nice body to wear this.  Nice and thin with small breast.  That's the body that can wear just about anything.  I thought of the comment on another post about how tight these clothes are on the hosts.  Not this one!  Great fit on her. Jennifer also  always looks good on anything Isaac puts on her. etc. Just about all the thin hosts wear the correct size.  Just not wild over the dress.  I can't get over the contrast that one dress makes one look god awful, and the other not too bad.  They should have skpped the leggings.  Didn't improve the dress. 

when I was young i think this dress was called an empire dress Smiley LOL:

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Registered: ‎01-14-2017


@Bella2022 Empire dresses have a seam below the bust (higher than waist level).  See example below.  So the Logo dress is not an Empire dress.  It has a seam across the back, and to my eye it looked at the waist level in the back.  It did seem to come up higher on the sides.  I guess I'll know when I get my dress!  I hope it looks good!