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It's a shame that on Jackie they have a top that is much too small for her and looks terrible. The shoulder seams are no where near where a shoulder seam would be on a top that was properly fit, and the rest of it is just simply too small - there is no drape to the fabric. Instead it is clinging to her in an unattractive way.

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I love the lace accent! I purchased the black. (Still considering the Ivory. So adorbs for spring!🌼)  ❤

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@febe1 Maybe funeral ?........possibility. 😟.....divorce court ?......traffic court?..... Jail?

A lot of places....u c !

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@LaurenCats4 AAAHHH...on the golf course! Golf wear.... 💃😳Bowling?.... good match for those shoes they give u to bowl in, lol......


I'm just having fun.....The top is cute but not the material nor do I think the price is low enough.... I WISH U WELL IN THE PRETTY NEW TOP Heart

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I have some of her tops and am selective it what I order. Most are the plain printed tops no lace. The lace would be destroyed by my dogs lol I am 65 years old. 

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Lori is Chic and a real work of art....... it is perfect



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I think they're cute and bought two. Lori's TSV's get torn to shreds, no matter what's presented. To each their own. 

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It's a shame that on Jackie they have a top that is much too small for her and looks terrible. The shoulder seams are no where near where a shoulder seam would be on a top that was properly fit, and the rest of it is just simply too small - there is no drape to the fabric. Instead it is clinging to her in an unattractive way.

IMO, Jackie ALWAYS wears a size too small.  It's very obvious to those of us who may actually have the LOGO tops she models, and know how they are supposed to fit.  She really should be made to wear the correct size for her shape instead of a vanity size, because she does a disservice to all the larger women who are watching. 


Re LOGO clothing, as someone who owns a bunch and who is a 5'9 3X pear,  I never ever wear them layered with a tank underneath; her tanks don't  fit me and I don't like to wear layers of clothing.  The most layering I will do is a cardigan on top.  I also never buy a top with a peplum or anything that is over-heavy with layers of lace, ruffles, or is just too frou-frou.  But I do like a lot of her tops because I love her prints and I  like the fact that she doesn't use the standard "Graver" colors.  I like her more muted tones; they provide variety. 


I like today's TSV in the white and the blue, and may get one of those.  I'm not that fond of the lighter strip right at the hip line, though.  I would have been happy with a wider strip of lace overlaying the bottom 2-3"of the top, providing a more monochromatic look. 

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@LaurenCats4 AAAHHH...on the golf course! Golf wear.... 💃😳Bowling?.... good match for those shoes they give u to bowl in, lol......


I'm just having fun.....The top is cute but not the material nor do I think the price is low enough.... I WISH U WELL IN THE PRETTY NEW TOP Heart

Haha! No problem, @cbrite. You're very sweet! ❤

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I wonder if the fellow who recently tried to board his flight wearing his entire wardrobe in order to avoid baggage fees, got his inspiration from one of these presentations.