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Posts: 509
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

You did the same thing I did....figured the cost at BBB. I would only save $4, but I would not get any of the coffee and other added things. It's a way better deal here. Now, if I could get it like one did at Costco for $89, that would be a different thing. But I don't have a Costco near me!!

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@crush  I don't know if they still have what you want, but Costco has a website and delivers.

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Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Considering all the problems with plastic pollution why this Coffee maker?  Talk about adding to plastic pollution!  What's wrong with a tradiotional coffee machine or better yet use a glass carafe and cone filter, comes in many sizes, which makes the best coffe in the world.  I sure wish QVC would help protect the environment and refuse to sell products like that..  Anything to make a buck! 

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Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Not only that it adds to the enormous plastic pollution.  Anybody who cares about the environment cannot buy this. 

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎10-08-2013

I am going to pass on this even though I think it is a good deal with all the K cups included. My problem is I would not use any of those K cups as they are light roast or breakfast blend. I only use dark roast. It would be nice if QVC would add more dark roast but they do not. Why not offer at least 2 packages 1 light and 1 dark. So without the K cups I do not think this is such a great deal.

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@gogirlfriend wrote:

The same machine at BBB, would cost almost the same as what it would be at QVC.


BBB - $169.99 x 20% = $33.99 = $135.99 x tax( mine is 8%) = $10.88 = $146.87


QVC - $129.95 +$9.97 = $139.96 x tax = $11.19 = $151.11

Plus you are getting a ton of stuff with the TSV. BBB you only get 6 kcups.


So you are saving $4.00!

amazonsmile = 119 w/o xtra kcups

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Posts: 13
Registered: ‎03-06-2017

Does any one else get tired of David's CONSTANT updates on units sold? They are half way sold out with 19,000 units sold at 8:30 p.m....Run don't walk to the phone...the other 19,000 are in danager of seiiling out any minute!    

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

There are reviews on this but QVC won't let you see them for some reason.  They are 5 stars.

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Posts: 7,204
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I’ve had two Keurigs just quit within 6 mo to a year. Not interested.

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Posts: 273
Registered: ‎03-06-2011


I had very same problem..