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I agree with you about philosophy scents, I opened up hula girl and to me it was not anything like I remember,I am using it as hand soap we all think ithe scent is different nothing I would want to smell on my body. I do remember the beach ones back in the day with Christina they smelled different to me amazing not so much any more they might say philosophy but some of those scents smell watered down and cheap

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Pass....   Too much product.  I like to change scents every few months so I cNt commit to a year of body lotion in one scent.

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Reminds me....gotta grease the mower today....


On another note....where's that greasy shampoo guy with the black fingernails? I need a few quarts of oil for the Tractor too if the price is right....

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@Othereeeen , the gallons are coming in June, so stock up!

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@Othereeeen.. lol. Talking about Chaz ?
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Yep...the one that looks like he grabbed a quart of 30W Quaker State instead of the shampoo before the show....



O well. Today is Grease Day on QVC......kinda nice after the endless Meat Squeezy days for a change....

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Yep....all these "duos" and "trios" that they advise will keep for YEARS on your shelf...


I think they bought up Bed Bath and Beyond's surplus stuff.


Doesn't it defeat the purpose to sell such huge quantities that the customer can go for years without re-ordering?


Seems like a crazy way to sell stuff....

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Re: Josie Maran TSV 5/13

[ Edited ]



I will say Im excited to try her new body washes, and I absolutely swear by her body butters. 


For a while, way back when she first came to QVC, I tried her body butter and thought it was terrible.  After consistent use, I did see a real change in the crepey skin on my arms and legs and my skin  texture improved as the months passed.  The real test came when I went for my yearly cancer screening and the Doctor commented on what nice skin I had for someone my age. I am now a devoted fan on her body butter and will not be without it.   


I also appreciate that she has clean products, and, that she doesn't make wild claims that her products are miracle products that make you look younger, or take years off your looks.  Just that your skin will look better and healthier.  I have found, with consistent use of the gentle and nourishing body butter, that is true.  

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Re: Josie Maran TSV 5/13

[ Edited ]

@Caaareful Shopper   I swear by Josie's body butters if for no other reason than when I go for my cancer screening each year, the Doctor always asks me what I use on my skin to keep it so healthy.  I'm 75 and he is always pleased.  He specifically says "healthy" and that, for me, is impressive.


We do have a chlorinated pool and after being in the chlorine, I think her body wash will be quite nice.  Every and I do mean every body wash I have every tried dried my skin out.  I may as well shower with Tide as with Beekman or Philosophy.  I think Josie's will be different for me, but it may be too moisturizing for you.  

I am looking forward to having it for after pool showers over the summer.


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@Georgiagrama  First, all the best of health and fortitude to you now and always.


Good tips about Josie's body wash.  I bought it to give it a try.  If my towel doesn't slide off after the shower, I'll be very happily surprised.   Smiley Happy