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I kinda preffered last years set of 5 eight ounce tubs. With tax/shipping came out to around 15.50 per 8 ounce tub and this comes out to around 19.50 for 8 ounces.

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I never tried this stuff, is it really all that? I always use Curell lotion. 

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I agree.  Last year's offer was better. Will pass on this one as I still have some TSV body butter left from last year and then I usually order the jumbo of my favorite one.

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What are they thinking when they decide to sell 8 tubs of butter?  Why would anyone want 8 all at once? I could see around the holidays, for gifting, but it's May.  Very odd choice of a TSV.  Something more seasonal and fun would be better, this is SO boring.

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I am happy to see a beauty tsv that is NOT supersized. Since the jars are sealed it will last a while if not opened. I’m leaning towards purchasing but do think it’s more costly than it should be.

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ThIs TSV is a nice choice of new and favorite scents, but I’m passing this time. I have plenty at home still unused. And yes - @godi- it’s all that 😊 - especially during the winter. I love it for my rosacea prone skin. That’s funny I use Curel too - on my hands!
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My TSV Shipped! Woman Very Happy

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@godi wrote:

I never tried this stuff, is it really all that? I always use Curell lotion. 

All I can say is, I never stick with any one product for long. However I have used JM  Body Butters since she first introduced them and it’s the one thing I will not be without. This stuff keeps your skin hydrated all day and your skin feels so soft and it looks moisturized. In the summer time I love the way it looks on my legs. They just always look moisturized and not dry. Hard to explain but it is a must on my legs in the summer. Gives them a nice sheen but not greasy. I use all year though. Her body butters are hands down the best moisturizer I have used and I am in my mid 60’s

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@Lucylu12... I totally agree 100% w/ your review on JM Body butters!!