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When in May is the IT tsv?


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@twokats wrote:

When in May is the IT tsv?


@twokats I think it's May 19th.

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Thank you

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The only product I like from this line is the Bye Bye makeup cleanser so I’m not interested in a tsv.

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?v=I found severeal previews of the upcoming TSV on Youtube including this one from QVCTV. CLICK

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I think this is the TSV for May 19th.


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I wish I had an idea of cost!!!
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This is for last years may 2017 tsv.  See the link for the may 2018 tsv below.

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@Poohki wrote:

I think this is the TSV for May 19th.


I like this set, Thank you for posting! Hopefully not too expensive and free shipping would be great.

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Yes I do, It is the BYe Bye moisturizing foundation with the brush, Bye Bye face serum and bye bye eye serum....
here is a linkk to the video