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QVC has been offering pre-sales of TSVs for quite a while now, it's not really new anymore. 


If you are very interested in a product, ordering during the pre-sale is the best way to go, as evidenced by so many of the shades selling out at midnight [or before].  Yes, there's the risk of changing your mind after the on-air presentation, but you have to weigh that risk versus not getting it at all. 

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I was confused about the difference between the shades, which was not addressed in the pre-sale. Watching the presentation this morning and they're breezing through the shades, all the while the host interrupting and telling how many have been ordered so far and what they had run out of. Poor presentations. I ordered but will probably be sending it back because I chose the wrong color.

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@kalicat wrote:

I am furious that the Fair Light shade and two other shades were already sold out when the presentation went live.  This is not fair to the customers to sell out supplies prior to the presentation, especially since all the items are brand new (making their premier.)  I have cool skin undertones and find the original colors too yellow for me.  I also do not like the tacky feel their original cc cream is, so was looking forward to this TSV.  However the cool color I needed was already sold out. When they introduced these new colors in their foundation they sold out really early.  They should have planned better on supplies of the new colors in this TSV!!!

I agree with you, that’s not right. They should have enough for those that want to buy the day of the tsv. It seems that many people would want to see the full presentation of a brand new product before purchasing.

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@jackthebear wrote:

@jbinrwc wrote:

I checked out the TSV when it was on presale.  Wanted to check out what I already have and wait for the presentation before ordering.  I too wanted the light medium and could not believe that it was sold out tonight.  So, do we have to go to their website and pay a higher price to get the shade we need?  Infuriating, indeed.

you can order at the presale, then wait for the presentation and cancel if you want.  as always with the Q ordering is simple and returns for foundation are not a big deal 



Not neccessarily...


I ordered presale and it already shipped two days ago....way b4 the presentation.


And I agree, cancellations are nearly impossible!

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@RespectLife wrote:

@jackthebear wrote:

@jbinrwc wrote:

I checked out the TSV when it was on presale.  Wanted to check out what I already have and wait for the presentation before ordering.  I too wanted the light medium and could not believe that it was sold out tonight.  So, do we have to go to their website and pay a higher price to get the shade we need?  Infuriating, indeed.

you can order at the presale, then wait for the presentation and cancel if you want.  as always with the Q ordering is simple and returns for foundation are not a big deal 



Not neccessarily...


I ordered presale and it already shipped two days ago....way b4 the presentation.


And I agree, cancellations are nearly impossible!

that is true, and yet sometimes we sit waiting for days for our orders,



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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I actually ordered this b/c I like the other one but the finish sounds interesting  

went with my usual color 



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Posts: 4,621
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@kalicat wrote:

I am furious that the Fair Light shade and two other shades were already sold out when the presentation went live.  This is not fair to the customers to sell out supplies prior to the presentation, especially since all the items are brand new (making their premier.)  I have cool skin undertones and find the original colors too yellow for me.  I also do not like the tacky feel their original cc cream is, so was looking forward to this TSV.  However the cool color I needed was already sold out. When they introduced these new colors in their foundation they sold out really early.  They should have planned better on supplies of the new colors in this TSV!!!

I so agree @kalicat.  I wanted to try the cool Light/Medium shade and it's gone.  I wonder why no waitlist?  



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it has gotten more difficult to cancel items.  I have gone in pretty soon after placing an order to cancel and not be able to, due to "in process and cannot be cancelled at this time".  Only to have it take literally days before it's even shipped.  So I don't always trust being able to easily cancel anything anymore.  

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Posts: 4,007
Registered: ‎06-15-2014

Cancelling is a problem. Oft times it’s  not allowed by QVC even a few hours after placing order. The infamous “processing “ pops up. Therefor, to order and then return would cost shipping charges both ways -$10.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎08-13-2015

I was upset as well.  I saw that the light medium was sold out in presale, when I checked before midnight, but I wasn't too concerned because I thought when it was presented at midnight, they would have the "normal" inventory back up and available.  I think, at best, it was very poor planning on behalf of IT.  It's fine to offer "pre-TSVs" to customers to order beforehand.  I have taken advantage of it myself.  But I think they need to have a certain

amount for pre-sale and not use up their entire inventory in pre-sales.  A good way to tick off alot of customers.  I was going to check back periodically throughout the day, as sometimes, they find additional quantity to magically re-appear when they sell out early, with certain shades.  Not holding my breath though!