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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

I guess this time of year, QVC will only bring in risk-free [boring] styles of everything [yesterday's Belle ruana, Monday's open BD cardigan].  Selling to the fill-in-the-blank masses.  


It's their recipe every year.  Cross off your postal workers, teachers, nieces, neighbors, grocery clerks, librarians, cousins, bridesmaids. 


I cannot think of anything more mundane for Honora to bring as a TSV than those tiny studs or tiny drop earrings.  



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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

I like the studs but not in the budget now. I like colored pearls and have a Honora necklace bought years ago. I'd like to wear it more but it doesn't go with everything.

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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

Now this is a TSV! Lately,the TSVs have been pretty lame,but this one reminds me of the old days.

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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

absolutely no interest, i would never wear the same earring in different colors.  

life is too short to wear the same earrings! 

i would not gift it to anyone i know... 

another pass on TSV

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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

I love this TSV.  Not buying because I am retired and rarely wear jewelry.  I wore Honora frequently when I worked in an office with a rather conservative dress code.  Having to dress that way for many years, it 'grew' on me, and I love that kind of styling.



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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

I still wear an old pair of wire drop earrings from years ago, one pair in white, one in black, that use sterling silver and don't have the dangle. I love them and they are very substantial. These, in my opinion, in no way compare to those. Guessing the draw for these is the $60 price for 4 gifts. I'm guessing I paid maybe $50 for one pair of these a whole lot of years ago. I don't like colored pearls at all but would have liked a beige/brown color to add to my pearl collection. I'll pass but, for someone looking for under $20 gifts, I suppose it's a good deal. I'm Southern, we love our white pearls here!

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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

@jackthebear wrote:

look very cheap,  that doesn't mean the price 


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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

I have some I bought many years ago. A long necklace and earrings. Haven't worn any jewelry in ages, but I still love them. 

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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

I have many pairs of Honora pearl earrings and I love them.  Mine are set in sterling silver and I have white, off white, and several colors.  They are nice quality and very pretty.   I find these to be a bit pricey for a TSV set in stainless.

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Re: Honora TSV - November 22, 2023

And now here we go with the boxed sets of mediocre jewelry so we can gift everyone we have ever met in our entire lives with said mediocre jewelry..

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb