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Posts: 283
Registered: ‎08-30-2020

IMO, this is one of the best years for Honeybells.  My shipment arrived and the fruit this year is sweet and mild.  In the Honeybells that I've eaten, a few sections did have one or two seeds in them, but it's not an issue for me.  They pop out quite easily; much easier than in a regular orange.

Super Contributor
Posts: 258
Registered: ‎07-09-2012

@Maggie Nolia I had the exact same problem with my Honeybells. The one I cut open the other day had 32 seeds in it!  How does that happen?  I've never seen "oranges" with that many seeds.  Guess you and I both got the 20%. I have so many seeds from the 4 I've eaten so far, I can grown my own orchard! I ordered the 10lb box and about a third of them were very soft and mushy. They are mild and tasty but would never order them again...

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎06-05-2010

Have not ordered these in a few years. Just arrived. I see they are now coming from California! Cushman was always from Florida. They are also coated with wax. Will try later. Will comment if they are same as the Florida honey bell.