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Posts: 359
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I ordered one about two or three years ago and have been able to use it to start my car when the battery died (and I was alone as hubby had gone somewhere).  Then just last week I used it to start hubby's car when his battery died.  For that alone it is worth the price in my opinion.  You don't have to wait on AAA or hook up those long charging cords from one car to another in any type of weather.  So I ordered another one today to give to our adult daughter who has an older car and battery and is out alone sometimes.  That is peace of mind for me and for her.  (I'm not a big cell phone user so don't need that nor the plug for lamps.)

Posts: 56
Registered: ‎08-24-2010

It's a good thing if you have to use it in your home to start the car, but would you go out on the road or freeway or if your suck in the country if your battery died???I wouldn't 

too many bad people out there these days. You never know who approaches  you. 
feel,safer with a AAA or similar company's coming to help me.




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Posts: 6,258
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

i have the very first ahaloBolt they so,d on the Q.   I never used it to start my car but I have used the outlet plugs dtochsrge various devices.  It on,y has one light left on it so it's only a matter of time before it's kaput.    I happen to like this model even if it's only to inflate a low tire or inflate my exercise ball abd charge my deviices.     

the one with the outlet is a available for $132 on the website

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Posts: 163
Registered: ‎08-12-2014

Hello I don't believe they work very well, I used one last summer when the power went out, it didn't have enough strength to power a fan for twenty minutes and it was fully charged, I wouldn't trust it

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I have one from last year and it came in handy when my car wouldn't start.  It was super easy and only took a few minutes. I wouldn't be without it.

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Posts: 223
Registered: ‎07-01-2015
I’ve been noticing that there aren’t really any Presidents’ Day sales because a lot of what they’re saying is now on sale has a higher sale price than the previous price offered.