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@Sugipine, that's what I plan to do, too.  It's only 11 minutes 3 times a anyone could not have time to do that is beyond me.

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I bit the BUY bullet too. Tired of dealing with concealing because as soon as there's a breeze there goes all my coverup work! In the meantime, just ordered a refill of Eclipse, the shake in stuff I've been using. Hope by the time that container is empty I'll see some results from the Hair Max. Hated to spend the money but if it works it will be worth way more than it's weight in gold.

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If I understand him correctly, he is talking about dark hair on light skin as me mentioned a few minutes ago.  


What about people with white or gray hair on light skin?  Or blondes?  

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Re: Hairmax safety

[ Edited ]

The laser will work on all colors of hair. It does not matter because the laser light is designed to target the follicle, not the hair itself. What is important to note is that  there are a couple of SKIN shades that have not been confirmed to show positive hair growth. These are the darker skin colors. The rep explained this by saying it was difficult to count hairs on dark skin therefore it could not be reported accurately. @ALRATIBA

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Re: Hairmax safety

[ Edited ]

They say that it mostly works on Hereditary hairloss- so hairloss caused by medications probably won't work. I lost a LOT of hair from hypothyroidism- so I think I'm going to try it-- I see that a question about it being helpful if hypothyroidism is the cause- but there's no answer listed---It's terribly upsetting to have beautiful thick hair and now- a FEW rollers and barely any hair to go on them. I'm trying to figure how often to use it- they say 3 times a week- well but that's confusing to me- say I start on MON-- then skip to Thurs- then skip to Sunday- is that considered ONE WEEK ?-- then  (Wed.-Sat -Tues)---then  (Fri---Mon--Thur) etc. etc. ?

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I do it on M-W-F. @sipp

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I'm in the same (TMX) boat.

I did press "BUY" right before midnight. 

@Sugipine testimony/posts and 180 day return policy were my tipping points.Smiley Very Happy

Wish me luck ladies! Oy




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I'm wishing you all the luck Woman Happy @nodecaf. Just don't stop using it and please don't give up after the first few months. After all, your hair just didn't fall out in that amount of it will take time to grow back. GOOD LUCK!!Woman Very Happy

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Or, maybe it just didn't work for those reviewers. There is no guarantee that even if you use it as directed - that it will work.